2 Months Pregnant: Symptoms and Foetal Development

At two months pregnant, you might be feeling overwhelmed, excited, worried, happy – or all of the above, and more. On top of this, you may also be experiencing some of the physical symptoms of pregnancy. So, although you might not have a bump yet, you could certainly be feeling pregnant! Read on to find out more about common pregnancy symptoms and what’s happening in your belly at two months pregnant.

Symptoms at 2 Months Pregnant

  • Morning sickness. This is perhaps one of the best-known symptoms of pregnancy, but its name is a little misleading: The nausea and vomiting that you might experience in early pregnancy can strike at any time of day and night, although it may be stronger in the morning. It usually clears up by itself by during the second trimester, but some lifestyle changes may help to ease it in the meantime. These include getting plenty of rest, avoiding food or smells that trigger nausea and cutting down on large meals of rich or spicy food. Nausea and vomiting when you’re pregnant can be very unpleasant but isn’t usually harmful to your embryo. In rare, severe cases or morning sickness it can prevent you from keeping enough food and fluids down to stay healthy. If you’re unable to keep your food down, call your doctor or midwife for advice.

  • Mood changes. Don’t be surprised if you feel a little more emotional than usual. Mood swings are especially common in early pregnancy, as well as in the third trimester as your body gears up for childbirth. Changes in your mood might be caused by the hormonal changes you’re going through, but the big changes that lie ahead of you may also play a part. All of this is natural during pregnancy, but it’s a good idea to talk through your feelings with others. Eating well, making time to do the things you enjoy, cutting down on caffeine and avoiding stressful situations can also keep you on a more even keel. If you feel you could use a little extra help, your midwife or doctor will be able to point you in the direction of local support groups.

  • Food cravings and aversions. At two months pregnant you may be experiencing a heightened sense of taste and smell. This might mean you can no longer stomach foods that you used to love, or maybe you’re craving things you’d never usually dream of eating or drinking. Many mums-to-be report a strange metallic taste in the mouth. You could also be more sensitive to smells than usual. As long as you keep to a healthy, balanced diet overall, it’s usually fine to give in to food cravings every once in a while. If you get an urge to eat strange things that aren’t even food, like earth or coal, call your midwife or doctor. This can be a symptom of a serious iron deficiency.

  • Heartburn and indigestion. The hormonal changes you’re experiencing at the moment may also make you more prone to indigestion, which is a common symptom at around two months pregnant or at any point in your pregnancy. Although it’s sometimes called heartburn, this burning or painful sensation in your chest hasn’t got anything to do with your heart. It’s caused by stomach acid travelling up towards your throat. It can help to change the way you eat, for example by having smaller meals more frequently, and not eating within three hours before going to bed. Cutting down on caffeine-based drinks and rich, spicy or fatty foods is also a good idea. If you’re finding it difficult to manage your symptoms through dietary and lifestyle changes, ask your doctor or midwife about your options for treatment.

  • Constipation. Feeling a little blocked up can be a common symptom at around two months pregnant. This is usually down to your hormones again. Eating plenty of foods with a high fibre content, such as wholemeal breads and cereals, pulses, fruit and vegetables can help keep things moving down there. It’s also important to get plenty of fluids. Regular exercise can also be beneficial.

  • Sore or swollen breasts. Your breasts could be a little larger and more tender than usual at around two months pregnant. They might feel a bit like they can sometimes do just before your period starts. You may also notice some tingling. The veins might be showing through your skin, and your nipples could be darker and more prominent. After you give birth, most pregnancy-related skin changes usually fade away gradually, although your nipples may remain a little darker than before.

  • Fatigue. Feeling tired is common when you’re pregnant, especially in the first 12 weeks or so. At around two months pregnant, pregnancy hormones are probably the main cause of your fatigue. Make time to sit with your feet up every so often during the day. Eating healthily and getting plenty of sleep are also great ways of keeping your energy levels topped up.

  • Frequent urination. It’s not unusual to need to pee more often when you’re pregnant. If you find you’re caught short more often than before at around two months pregnant, or if extra night-time visits to the loo are interrupting your sleep, this could be another symptom of the hormonal changes underway in your body.

  • Bloating. You might be familiar with this symptom as a part of your monthly menstrual cycle, but it can also crop up as an early sign of pregnancy. As usual, blame it on hormones if your jeans are fitting a little bit tighter than normal.

Your Baby’s Development at 2 Months

Your embryo’s leg buds are growing, although the different parts like the knees, ankles and toes haven’t yet formed. Your embryo is now living inside a fully formed amniotic sac. This is a bag filled with a pale, straw-coloured fluid that cushions him or her from any bumps and jolts. This amniotic fluid also helps your embryo’s digestive system, lungs, bones and muscles to develop. At around two months pregnant, your little one is still getting all his or her nourishment from the yolk sac, but your placenta is developing and growing connections to the lining of your uterus, so it will be ready to take over this task sometime around or after week 10.

How Big Is Your Baby When You’re 2 Months Pregnant?

At the end of you being two months pregnant, your embryo is about the size of a raspberry.

What Does an Embryo Look Like at 2 Months?

Check out these illustrations for a glimpse at what the embryo might look like when you’re two months pregnant:

Changes to Your Body at 2 Months Pregnant

Don’t expect to see too much of a belly bump at two months pregnant. At this stage, your body probably won’t look dramatically different. What you might notice, though, is that in addition to some sensitivity and soreness, your breasts may look fuller. At two months pregnant, you might be wondering how much weight gain is normal during pregnancy. This varies greatly between mums-to-be, depending on many different factors, including the starting weight before getting pregnant. It’s important to keep in mind that ‘eating for two’ is just a figure of speech, and there’s usually no need to significantly increase your calorie intake. The best advice is to stay as active as you can, and stick to a healthy, balanced diet throughout your pregnancy. Your midwife and doctor will be monitoring your weight, and they can also help if you have any questions about this or any other aspect of your health during pregnancy. In the meantime, you might also like to use our Weight Gain Calculator to see an estimate of how much weight you might gain over the course of your pregnancy based on your pre-pregnancy BMI (Body Mass Index).

How Far Along Are You at 2 Months Pregnant?

At two months pregnant, you’re in the middle of the first trimester, which spans from 1 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. In terms of how many weeks pregnant you are at two months pregnant, you could be about five to eight weeks pregnant. Just keep in mind that how the 40 weeks of pregnancy are split into months can vary so you might see a few different breakdowns. It can seem a little confusing, so read more about how far along you are here. If you’re still experiencing unpleasant symptoms like nausea and vomiting, fatigue or bloating at two months pregnant, the good news is that these could start to ease up in a few weeks from now, when you move into the second trimester.

FAQs at a Glance

Common symptoms that you might experience at two months pregnant include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Mood changes
  • Food cravings and aversions
  • Heartburn and indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Sore or swollen breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Bloating.

Checklist for When You’re 2 Months Pregnant

  • If you haven’t already, read up on what a midwife does and find one you like and trust.

  • If you haven’t already, find out approximately when you’ll get to meet your little one. Your healthcare provider will likely be able to give you an estimated due date at your first or next prenatal appointment; in the meantime, try our Due Date Calculator.

  • Read up on pregnancy warning signs you shouldn’t ignore and find out who to call should you have any concerns if it’s outside your provider’s normal hours.

  • If this isn’t your first pregnancy, find out how a second pregnancy might be different to a first.

  • If you haven’t already done so, contact your midwife or doctor to arrange your ‘booking appointment’, which usually takes place between 8 weeks and 12 weeks. At this appointment, you’ll be offered various screening tests and have a check-up to assess the health of you and the embryo. This is also a great opportunity to discuss any concerns or ask any questions you might have.

  • Book an appointment for your dating scan, which is usually performed at between 8 weeks and 14 weeks. At this ultrasound scan, you’ll be given a more precise estimate of when your little one is due. Your foetus may also be screened for certain conditions, including Down’s syndrome, if you have agreed to this test being performed.

  • Keep all of your prenatal appointments to make sure you and your little one are staying healthy.

  • Focus on maintaining a healthy, balanced diet, and ask your doctor about whether you should be taking any prenatal vitamins.

  • Ask your midwife about antenatal classes in your local area. Besides helping you learn about pregnancy, childbirth and caring for your newborn, these are also a great way to meet other new parents-to-be. They’re free when provided on the NHS. Demand is often high, so book early to be sure of a place.

  • Create a shortlist of favourite baby names. Use our Baby Name Generator to filter names by starting letter, theme and more!

  • Have a little fun with our Chinese Gender Predictor. Only time will tell if it predicted correctly!

  • Sign up for even more weekly pregnancy tips here:

How we wrote this article
The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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