10 Weeks Pregnant

Congratulations on reaching 10 weeks of pregnancy! As you near the end of your first trimester, some of your pregnancy symptoms may be fading away while others might be just around the corner. Here you can learn more about what to anticipate at 10 weeks pregnant, including any signs and symptoms, things to consider, and questions for your doctor and midwife.

Highlights at 10 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some exciting highlights to expect at 10 weeks pregnant:

  • Your little one is starting to look more and more like a baby, with lots of little developments, like eyes, tiny nostrils and tooth buds.

  • If you have an ultrasound scan at 10 weeks pregnant, you may see your fetus making little jerking movements.

  • Pregnancy symptoms might be in full force this week, but hang on in there, the second trimester is usually smoother sailing.

  • Think about starting a baby bump photo series around 10 weeks pregnant! It’s only a matter of time before that pregnancy bump starts to show.


Pregnancy Symptoms
What to Do About Back Pain During Pregnancy

Your Baby's Development at 10 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some of your baby’s exciting developmental steps happening inside your belly at 10 weeks pregnant:

  • You might be surprised to know that the foetal heartbeat is much faster than yours. The heart is now fully formed and beats a whopping 180 times per minute − about two to three times as fast as your heart does!

  • Although you won’t be feeling any movement yet, if you were to have an ultrasound scan at 10 weeks pregnant, you’d be able to see your foetus making tiny, jerky movements. Be patient, you’ll start feeling these sensations in just a few months’ time.

  • There’s more! Your little one is gaining more and more of the features of a human face. The ears are starting to protrude, an upper lip is now in place, there are two nostrils and the jawbones are forming.

  • The eyelids, which started growing over the past couple of weeks, half cover the eyes this week.

  • On the inside, the ear canal is developing, and the tooth buds, which will become your baby’s milk teeth are in place.

What’s in store for both you and your baby? Check out our Pregnancy Guide; it contains tips and insights to help you get through the rest of the first trimester and beyond.

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How Many Months Is 10 Weeks Pregnant?

You may have heard your pregnancy described in both weeks and months, though weeks are more common. Although there are various methods of assigning the 40 weeks of pregnancy into months, at 10 weeks pregnant you’re likely in your third month of pregnancy, even if you haven’t noticed any belly bump or symptoms just yet!

It's exciting to think about actually meeting your new baby! Your doctor or midwife will offer you a ‘dating scan’ around 10 to 14 weeks to find out your due date. If you haven’t had your scan yet, try our Due Date Calculator in the meantime to get an idea of when your little one may join the world.


Your Baby’s Size at 10 Weeks Pregnant?

Now that you’re 10 weeks pregnant, your foetus is about the size of a strawberry, measuring about 30 mm, from crown to rump.

Your Baby: What Does 10 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

Check out the illustration below for a look at how your little foetus is shaping up inside belly at 10 weeks pregnant.

what does an embryo at 10 weeks pregnant look like

Your Body at 10 Weeks Pregnant

At 10 weeks pregnant, you’re nearing the end of the first trimester, and your uterus is about the size of a large orange. The health of you and your little one is paramount right now.

Aim to have your first antenatal appointment with your midwife by week 12. If you don't have your ‘booking appointment’ set up yet or you’re not sure how to find a midwife, ask your GP or use NHS service search.

Here are some of the things you can expect to happen at the booking appointment:

  • Medical Examination. You’ll likely have a thorough examination, including checking your blood pressure, height and weight.

  • Blood and urine tests. A blood test will be taken to check for things like HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, anaemia and rubella, and to check your blood type. You'll also be offered a blood test for the blood disorders sickle cell and thalassaemia, and for Down's syndrome. You might also have a urine test, which tests for things like whether there's protein in your urine.

  • You and your family's medical history. You'll be asked if you have any chronic or genetic conditions, and asked about your family's medical history, too.

  • Immunisations. You’ll be offered any immunisations you may have missed. During pregnancy, you're at a greater risk of infections like the flu and whooping cough, so these vaccinations help protect both you and the foetus.

  • Support and guidance. Your midwife or doctor can support you if you’re experiencing any sort of abuse in your home or work life, or you need any extra support.

  • A chance to ask questions. No matter how big or small, take this time to ask any questions you have. You might need recommendations about breastfeeding, birthing classes in your area, or the benefits you may have access to now. You could also ask for personalised advice on nutrition, exercise or pelvic floor exercises. Your doctor and midwife are there to support you now and throughout your pregnancy.

  • The rest of your antenatal care will be explained. If you haven't already had your dating scan to find out your due date, you'll be offered this ultrasound by the time you're 14 weeks pregnant. You'll be offered another ultrasound scan between 18 to 20 weeks when foetal development will be checked. Altogether you'll have about 10 appointments in addition to these 2 ultrasounds.

  • Looking ahead to labour and childbirth. Have a discussion about what options you have for where to give birth. It will depend on where you live and whether you have any pregnancy complications. The possibilities include giving birth at a hospital, birthing centre, or at home.

Your Symptoms at 10 Weeks Pregnant

‘Why is week 10 of pregnancy the worst?’ It’s totally natural for questions like that to arise during pregnancy, and it’s not unusual to notice some symptoms peaking around 10 weeks pregnant, whilst others may be decreasing. The good news is that symptoms tend to lessen during the second trimester. Here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing at 10 weeks pregnant:

  • Feeling sick. You're not alone if you're 10 weeks pregnant and still suffering from morning sickness. You've probably figured out ways to cope that work for you, but if not try eating something bland before getting out of bed, and eating six small meals instead of three bigger ones.

  • All kinds of digestive symptoms. Is bloating a sign of pregnancy? How about burping, heartburn, or feeling gassy? Yes, there’s a hormone called progesterone that might be behind these symptoms. It helps relax the uterine muscles so that your uterus can grow with your foetus, but it's also relaxing the muscles of your digestive tract causing these pesky symptoms. If you're 10 weeks pregnant with twins (though you may not know it yet), these symptoms may be more intense. You might find that not eating before bed and eating slowly might help. Some mums-to-be also find that spicy or rich foods can cause bloating, so if this sounds like you, steer clear of these foods.

  • Lower back pain and cramps. Around 10 weeks pregnant, you might experience cramping that feels like period pain or a stabbing pain that feels a little like a stitch. These pains could come and go or hang around all day. In early pregnancy you may also get backache. Once again, hormonal changes are likely to blame. It should be nothing to worry about, but head to the doctor if you're also experiencing bleeding or a burning sensation when you pee, or if you're worried.

  • Exhaustion. You might feel like napping at every opportunity due to your extreme fatigue during pregnancy. Read our tips on how to get a good night's sleep and hopefully you'll get some much-needed rest.

  • Headaches. Some mums-to-be get lots of headaches during the first trimester. If you're experiencing this symptom at 10 weeks pregnant, try to drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, and do a relaxation class like antenatal yoga. Contact your doctor if the headaches persists or they're severe, or if you'd like advice on

    what painkiller is safe to take during pregnancy.

  • Mood swings. You have lots going on right now, so don't beat yourself up if you're on a rollercoaster of highs and lows at 10 weeks pregnant. You might feel anxious and stressed one minute, over the moon the next, and vulnerable and sad the one after that. Try to stay healthy by exercising, chat with your loved ones, and seek help from your doctor or midwife.

  • Vaginal discharge. Most mums-to-be have more vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Although it might mean you need to use a panty liner, the extra discharge is important because it helps prevent infections from reaching the uterus. If the discharge smells off or if it's green or yellow, if it feels itchy around the vaginal area, or if it hurts to pee, then contact your doctor as these symptoms may require treatment.

  • Night sweats. Although not specific to being 10 weeks pregnant or even night-time for that matter, you might feel hotter during pregnancy and sweat more due to increased blood flow to the skin. Wear loose, natural fibres, and keep your room nice and cool at night. Keep in mind, if you're sweating so much that you're soaking your night clothes and bedding, or if you get night sweats regularly, speak to your doctor.

What Size Is a Pregnant Belly at 10 Weeks?

Every pregnancy is unique, so every pregnant belly will look different around 10 weeks. What we can say is that your uterus is now the size of a large orange, and you may have also gained a little pregnancy weight by now. This means that although you may not be showing at 10 weeks pregnant, you may have a rounded belly or a little bump. A baby bump doesn’t usually show until at least 12 weeks. This is when your uterus starts to move outside your pelvis area. Keep in mind that right now, your little one is only as big as a strawberry!

What Does 10 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

For a better idea of what your belly might look like around 10 weeks pregnant, when you’re in your third month of pregnancy, check out the image below.

Things to Consider at 10 Weeks Pregnant

At 10 weeks pregnant and throughout your pregnancy journey, there are plenty of important things to consider, from adjusting your diet to caring for your body. Check out our list below.

  • Switch to maternity wear or some more stretchy clothing if you’ve noticed your jeans are becoming a bit snug this week. From here on out, you may gain some more pregnancy weight and your bump will start to show. Comfort is key right now! Your doctor or midwife can help you stay on track and maintain a healthy weight throughout your pregnancy.

  • Reduce your caffeine intake, if you haven't already done so. Many doctors recommend having 200 mg a day at most. That's the equivalent of about one mug of filter coffee and one can of cola. Keep in mind, there's caffeine in tea and chocolate, too!

  • Although you may not be showing yet (some pregnancies start showing a little earlier or later than others), you might enjoy starting a baby bump progression photo series. You could start as soon as you start showing, or even a little earlier. Pick a day of the week, where you’d like to stand and what to wear. Some wear a tight-fitting top, while others roll their top up to reveal their belly. Stand side-on and either take a selfie or have someone take a full-length photo of you. Once your baby is born you can even take a few postpartum shots with your baby in your arms. You’ll love being able to look back on how your belly grew as your pregnancy progressed.


Tip for Partners

Morning sickness might be pretty bad for your pregnant partner right now. If that’s the case, bring your partner a mug of ginger tea in the morning to help calm their stomach. Ginger is a great remedy for nausea! You could even grate fresh ginger to add to food, or buy candied ginger for your pregnant partner to nibble on.


Questions for Your Doctor at 10 Weeks Pregnant

Remember that your doctor or midwife is always there for you, so feel free to consult them about any questions or concerns you have now and in the weeks to come. Some common questions at 10 weeks pregnant include:

  • When can I hear my baby’s heartbeat, if not at 10 weeks?

  • When will I be able to know if I’m pregnant with twins?

  • Is my pregnancy high risk for any reason, and what will be done to try to reduce the risks?

  • Are any genetic screening tests recommended? If so, when would these take place? Keep in mind: Genetic testing is completely optional and you can talk to your doctor to understand what's involved before deciding if it's right for you based on any risk factors, your family's history, and any other considerations like your personal preferences.


At 10 weeks pregnant, there’s no particular way you ‘should’ be feeling – everyone is different! However, some symptoms that are common around 10 weeks and throughout your pregnancy include:

  • morning sickness
  • fatigue
  • back pain
  • mood swings
  • headaches
  • discharge
  • mild cramping.

10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

As you start to settle into your pregnancy, consider the following to-dos at 10 weeks:

☐ When you have a minute, read our article on pregnancy warning signs you should not ignore. You shouldn’t worry unduly, but it helps to be informed so you know what signs to look out for.

☐ Start thinking about where you would like to give birth, and do some research about the options in your area.

☐ If your doctor has recommended you take vitamin D, check if you qualify for free vitamins under Healthy Start.

☐ Get a professional bra fitting and buy comfortable underwear and well-fitting bras if needed. Start to plan a second trimester babymoon! The next few months could be a good time for a short, relaxing break. Before you book anything, chat with your midwife as they can give you tips for flying while pregnant and any destination-specific advice like whether you need vaccines or how to seek medical help when you’re away from home.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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