In our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator, estimations are made based on the U.S. Institute of Medicine’s recommendations for weight gain in pregnancy. The table estimates recommended weight gain by week, so your actual weight gain may be different from these values.
Please note that this is an educational tool only. For more information, or if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to consult your midwife or GP.
First, enter your information (pre-pregnancy weight and height) into the calculator. You’ll also need to indicate if you are expecting twins as this affects the estimations. Weight gain estimations are then calculated for you. You can refer to the handy prediction table to view the recommended weight gain for every week of your pregnancy or hit recalculate to start again. It’s that simple!
Our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator tool takes into account your personal Body Mass Index (BMI) when making estimates. BMI is a measure that considers a person’s weight and height to determine if a person’s weight is healthy. BMI is not an indicator of someone’s health status, but it can be used by healthcare providers to help anticipate if someone’s weight will have an impact on their health.
This tool is for educational purposes only. Weight gain in pregnancy varies greatly. According to the NHS most pregnant women gain between 10kg and 12.5kg (22lb to 28lb), putting on most of the weight after week 20. It is important to maintain healthy eating and stay active.
Your midwife or GP may have special advice for you if you have a body mass index (BMI) of over 30 or below 18.5. Please consult your midwife or GP if you have any concerns.
The Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator is a useful guide to help you track your personal weight gain journey. Your results are generated based on the US recommended weight gain during pregnancy, per week, for your pre-pregnancy BMI.
Each and every mum-to-be is unique, and there are always many factors to consider when looking at the rate and amount of weight gain during pregnancy. Your midwife or GP will keep a close eye on your overall health, including the amount of weight you gain, and is your best resource for advice and support.
Gaining the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy can support your baby’s well-being and healthy growth. A healthy pregnancy weight gain range is calculated using your pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI). It is an estimated range of weight gain, with upper and lower limits, to suggest what a healthy weight gain might look like along your pregnancy.
The Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator is a great way to track your progress in pregnancy, but you should regularly consult your midwife or GP to discuss, monitor, and support your pregnancy.
Falling within a recommended weight gain range helps keep you and your baby healthy and may reduce the risk of complications during your pregnancy and after. If you are falling outside of the weight gain estimation range, you can discuss this with your midwife or GP, since this might be normal for you and your pregnancy. There is often lots that can be done to support your weight gain goals, such as maintaining a healthy pregnancy diet and exercising during pregnancy, so be sure to consult with your healthcare provider.