12 weeks pregnant
At 12 weeks pregnant, you're coming to the end of your first trimester and about to enter the second, which for many parents-to-be is the most pleasurable period of pregnancy. That's because pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness may start to ease off, and you may begin to feel a bit better. Carry on reading for more information about what goes on at 12 weeks pregnant, such as the typical signs and symptoms, and to find out about your baby's progress at this stage.
Highlights at 12 Weeks Pregnant
Before we get into all the details, here are some highlights from 12 weeks pregnant:
At 12 weeks pregnant, you’re on the brink of saying farewell to your initial trimester and entering the second, when symptoms such as nausea and tiredness usually improve - stay strong!
Your baby is only the size of a passion fruit but is growing and developing quickly!
You might start to notice your baby bump soon, so keep an eye on your tummy this week and in the coming weeks.
You could take into consideration beginning some Kegel exercises, which help to fortify your pelvic floor during pregnancy and childbirth.
If it's nearly flu season (commonly October to March), inquire with your doctor about getting a flu vaccination.
It’s still too early to discover your baby’s gender, but don’t let that stop you from having fun with our Chinese Gender Predictor:
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Your Baby’s Development at 12 Weeks Pregnant
You’ve nearly reached the end of the first trimester by 12 weeks pregnant, and your little one has been just as busy as you! Here are some exciting developments occurring inside you right now:
All of your foetus’s vital organs and body parts are in place at 12 weeks, including the organs, muscles, limbs and bones. Although your baby is now fully formed, there’s lots of growing and maturing that still needs to take place. And that’s just what will take place between now and when you give birth.
Although the sex organs have developed, it’s still too early to determine the gender of your little one during an ultrasound at 12 weeks pregnant. Your doctor may be able to reveal whether you’re having a boy or girl (if you choose to find out) during a mid-pregnancy ultrasound scan, which takes place around 20 weeks. In the meantime, enjoy finding both boy and girl names using our Baby Name Generator.
By now, your baby is moving around a fair bit, but it’s still too early for you to feel these movements.
Now that you’re 12 weeks pregnant, the foetal heartbeat is likely audible during an ultrasound scan, so you may get the opportunity to hear it if you have a check-up scheduled for this week.
How Many Months Is 12 Weeks Pregnant?
Although the 40 weeks of pregnancy don’t fit neatly into months, at 12 weeks pregnant, you’re likely approaching the end of your third month of pregnancy, even if you haven’t noticed any belly bump or symptoms!
You may be offered a dating scan around 12 weeks pregnant (if you haven’t had one already). This ultrasound scan estimates your baby’s due date. Until then, you can try our Due Date Calculator below for an estimate.
Your Baby’s Size at 12 Weeks Pregnant
At 12 weeks pregnant, your little foetus is now about the size of a passion fruit or plum, measuring close to 5.5 cm, crown to rump, and weighing approximately 18 grams.
Your Baby: What Does 12 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
Take a look at the illustration below to get a visual idea of how your 12 week foetus may actually look around this time:

Your Body at 12 Weeks Pregnant
Feed me! As the nausea and discomfort of early pregnancy start to subside around 12 weeks pregnant, you may find that you're getting your appetite back. Be sure you're eating enough and maintaining a healthy diet, but don't feel you actually need to eat for two.
Experts recommend adding only about 200 extra calories a day, on average, during pregnancy. By the way, that's only two slices of wholemeal toast!
Most mums-to-be will put on 10 to 12 kilograms during pregnancy, but most of this will be gained after week 20.
Focus on sticking to a balanced pregnancy diet that includes proteins like chicken, eggs, fish or plant-based substitutes like beans. Include a wide variety of vegetables and fruits to ensure you get plenty of vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates are also important as they can give you extra energy and increase your fibre intake. Just try to choose wholegrain or higher fibre options like brown rice, and potatoes with the skin on.
Don't stress about adding all food groups to each and every meal, instead aim for a balanced diet over the course of each week.
While we're on the topic of food, there are some foods you should avoid while pregnant. These include some types of fish, and undercooked meat and eggs, among others.
Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator
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Your Symptoms at 12 Weeks Pregnant
Every pregnancy is unique, so there are no rules as to what you may be feeling right now. Here are some of the symptoms you may experience at 12 weeks pregnant:
Constipation. Although this symptom is quite common during pregnancy, knowing this doesn't make it any easier to deal with the discomfort of feeling blocked up. Ease this symptom by eating more fibre and drinking lots of water.
Bleeding and sensitive gums. Hormonal changes can cause plaque build-up leading to swollen, bleeding and sore gums. Although this can be disconcerting, it can be completely normal. Continue to brush and floss regularly and avoid sugary drinks and snacks. During pregnancy you may be eligible for free dental care, ask your dentist about this when booking your regular check-up.
Oily and spotty skin. Ask your GP if they have any recommendations for dealing with this annoying symptom based on your skin type.
Stomach pain. Getting an achy stomach or cramping at 12 weeks pregnant is usually nothing to worry about. This symptom may be caused by constipation, wind, or the feeling of your muscles and ligaments stretching as your uterus grows. If the pregnancy cramps or pains are severe around 12 weeksor accompanied by other symptoms like bleeding, see your midwife for a check-up.
Feeling dizzy. Feeling lightheaded during pregnancy can be normal, but if the feeling persists, ask your midwife for advice.
Sensitivity to smells. If certain odours bother you, try to avoid them until this symptom passes.
Bloating. Wondering whether it's a bump or bloat? Yes, we know, it's annoying that hormonal changes can leave you feeling bloated at 12 weeks pregnant. Eating slowly and eating six small meals a day instead of three big ones might help. And, don't worry. In time it will be perfectly clear that it's a gorgeous bump!
Light spotting. At 12 weeks pregnant, you might see the occasional drop of blood, but if you notice heavier bleeding, head to your doctor right away.
What Size is a Pregnant Belly at 12 Weeks?
You may or may not be showing at 12 weeks pregnant – remember, every bump is different! The size of your bump and when you start to show can be determined by many factors, including your hormones, your weight before pregnancy, any previous pregnancies and your muscle strength.
It’s common to wonder if you can feel your baby move at 12 weeks? Although your little one is moving around inside you right now, they are still too tiny for you to feel their movements. It’s usual to feel your baby move for the first time around 16 to 24 weeks.
What Does 12 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
The image below may give you a better idea of what your belly might look like around 12 weeks pregnant, when you’re at the end of your first trimester.
Things to Consider at 12 Weeks Pregnant
As you prepare for the second trimester, you have many things to consider and look forward to. Check out the following list to guide you through 12 weeks pregnant:
The flu jab will protect you and your foetus, and it’s considered safe. It's also free for mums-to-be in the UK. The flu vaccine is available from September until about February, and you can get the vaccine no matter how far along you are. Aim to get it as soon as possible.
Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegels, help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support your uterus and bladder. There are many benefits, including helping to prevent accidental urination during and after your pregnancy. Kegels are easy to do: Simply squeeze your pelvic floor muscles by contracting those muscles you'd clench if you were trying to stop the flow of urine or stop yourself from passing wind. Hold each squeeze for a few seconds, and then release. Do about 10 to 15 of them 3 times a day. Or clench and hold for 10 seconds at a time. If you're unsure that you're doing Kegels right, your midwife will be able to help.
You might want to write down all of your exciting pregnancy milestones so that you can look back on your journey after your baby is born. Consider taking weekly pictures of your growing bump after it begins to show. When you have an ultrasound scan, you may get a picture, which you can also add to the journal. You can buy pregnancy journals online or from a newsagent or gift shop, or you can create your own in the form of a scrapbook or notebook.
Although your doctor and midwife are the best source of personalised guidance, you may like to check out our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator. It can give you a rough idea of what healthy pregnancy weight gain looks like for someone of your pre-pregnancy weight.
As you enter the second trimester you may be thinking of telling your colleagues about your pregnancy. It can be hard to decide on the best way to approach it, so we’ve collected some fun ideas on how you can announce your pregnancy to co-workers with ease.
You won’t be able to find out your baby’s gender for several weeks yet, that’s if you even want to know before your baby’s birth! But that doesn’t mean you can’t have some (unscientific) fun with our Guess Your Baby’s Gender quiz. Time will tell if the quiz results were spot on, or not quite right. It’s all in good fun!
Tip for Partners Your pregnant partner's nausea may be starting to ease off at this stage, and they could be beginning to regain their appetite. Why not cook or get some nutritious, balanced meals for both of you! Meals packed with vitamins and nutrients are beneficial for both you and your partner's health and weight, and also your unborn baby. |
Questions for Your Doctor at 12 Weeks Pregnant
Here are some questions that you could ask your doctor or midwife at 12 weeks pregnant:
What screening tests will I be offered in the coming weeks, and are they recommended for my situation?
Where should I go to get the flu jab?
What are my options for where to give birth, and what is the doctor's expert recommendation?
When is it OK to share the news of my pregnancy with friends and colleagues?
Is travel safe at 12 weeks or during the second trimester of pregnancy, and what about flying while pregnant in the first 12 weeks?
What is the right amount of pregnancy weight gain for my situation, and am I on the right track at 12 weeks pregnant?
There’s no “should” when it comes to symptoms at 12 weeks or throughout your pregnancy – every pregnancy is different and some pregnant people may even have little to no symptoms! Some things you may experience around this time include:
- Constipation
- Stomach pain
- Bleeding or sensitive gums
- Oily skin or acne
- Dizziness
- Sensitivity to smells
- Bloating
- Light spotting.
12 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Check out the following to-dos that might prove helpful around 12 weeks pregnant:
□ Read about how to claim maternity leave and start to plan when you will tell your employer about your pregnancy.
□ If you haven’t already shared the news, think about how you will reveal your big news to family and friends. You could organise a fun pregnancy announcement party, or you could surprise those closest to you a special pregnancy announcement using some of our fun ideas. No matter how you do it, your loved ones will cherish this special moment.
□ Schedule a dental check-up. Remember, you may be entitled to free dental care!
□ Research local antenatal or birthing classes — your midwife will be able to point you in the right direction. Find out when they start and when you need to sign up. It might seem like it’s too early, but these classes can fill up.
12 weeks pregnant - checklist
How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.