1 Month Pregnant: Symptoms and Foetal Development

If your period is late and you suspect you may be pregnant, the best way to find out is to take a home pregnancy test. If it turns out positive, congratulations are in order! At one month pregnant there’s a lot going on inside your belly, although it may not seem like it from the outside. Read on to learn more about your little one’s development this month and the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy you might notice.

Symptoms at 1 Month Pregnant

If you don’t ‘feel’ pregnant yet, don’t worry. It’s common to have few or no symptoms at all in the first month of pregnancy. In fact – strange as it may sound – for around the first half of this month you aren’t even physically pregnant yet. This is because, once your pregnancy is confirmed, how far along you are will be counted from the first day of your last menstrual period. Even if you aren’t feeling any different just yet, plenty of physical and emotional changes and symptoms could be just around the corner. Early signs of pregnancy you might experience at one month pregnant or soon after can include:

  • A missed period. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, the first tell-tale sign of pregnancy in the first month might be a missed period. Keep in mind, though, that even if you’re pregnant it’s still possible to have a very light period at this stage.

  • Spotting. Spots of blood in your underwear – especially around the time you’d usually have your period – might be implantation bleeding. Some mums-to-be experience this when the embryo embeds itself into the lining of the uterus.

  • Mood changes. The hormones produced by your body when you’re pregnant can also affect how you feel. So, if you find that you’re getting upset and emotional more easily than usual, it might be a symptom of pregnancy.

  • Bloating. If you’re feeling bloated, it might be due to the surge of pregnancy hormones that also play havoc with your digestive system. Eating smaller meals more often, drinking fluids in smaller sips, and cutting down on rich fatty foods and coffee may help avoid triggering this common symptom of pregnancy.

  • Cramps. Some mums-to-be experience cramping that may feel a little like period pains at one moth pregnant. This isn’t usually anything to worry about but call your doctor or midwife if you experience stomach pain or bleeding, discomfort when peeing or during a bowel movement, or pain in the tip of your shoulder. These could be signs of an ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilised egg implants outside your uterus), so any symptoms like that need to be checked out as soon as possible.

  • Frequent urge to pee. When you’re pregnant, you might feel the need to urinate more frequently than usual. In fact, you might find that extra night-time visits to the loo are interfering with your sleep patterns. If this happens, try not drinking immediately before going to bed and cutting down on caffeine-based drinks like coffee, which can make you want to pee more. It’s important to stay hydrated though, so make sure you continue to drink plenty of fluids during the day.

  • Sore or tender breasts. Your breasts could be starting to feel swollen and tender, and the veins might be more visible. Your nipples may also darken and stick out more.

  • Increased vaginal discharge. It’s very common to have more thin, clear or milky vaginal discharge when you’re pregnant, as this is your body’s way of protecting against infections. If you notice discharge that has a strange or unpleasant smell or is green or yellow, call your doctor or midwife as this could be a vaginal infection. Other signs of a vaginal infection include itching around the vagina or pain when urinating.

  • Fatigue. It’s not unusual for hormonal changes to make you feel tired during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

  • Nausea. Some mums-to-be experience nausea and vomiting during the first trimester. This is often referred to as morning sickness, but it can strike at any time of day. If you get it, morning sickness usually starts a little later at around six weeks after your last period. The good news is that it usually clears up in the second trimester, at between 16 and 20 weeks pregnant.

  • Constipation. If you’re feeling a little blocked up at one month pregnant, it’s probably down to those hormones. Many mums-to-be get constipation in the very early stages of pregnancy. You can try to avoid constipation by eating a healthy diet with the right amount of fibre. Good sources of fibre include fruit, vegetables, pulses (such as beans and lentils) and wholemeal breads and cereals. Iron supplements may also cause constipation. If you’re taking them and think you may be constipated because of them, ask your doctor whether it’s OK to stop taking them or change to a different type.

  • Food aversions and cravings. Are you suddenly craving foods that you never even liked before, or perhaps can’t stomach your usual favourites? Cravings and aversions like this are caused by the hormones surging through your body, which can alter your sense of taste and smell. It’s OK to give in to cravings every so often but do try and stick to a balanced diet overall. If you get really strange cravings, like a desire to eat dirt or coal, talk to your doctor or midwife. This could be a sign of iron deficiency, which is dangerous unless properly managed.

Embryo Development at 1 Month

Around three weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period, the fertilised egg travels slowly down the fallopian tube towards your uterus. Here it burrows into the lining of the uterus, where it will grow and develop as an embryo. Around this time, the outer cells are forming connections with your blood supply. In a few weeks from now, your placenta will be fully formed ready to take over the job of supplying blood and nutrients. Until then, your baby is being nourished by the yolk sac that surrounds the embryo. Meanwhile, the inner cells of the embryo are forming into layers that will eventually grow to become all the different parts of your little one’s body. One quick note on the terminology you might see when reading up on baby development: During the first eight weeks, your little one may be referred to as an embryo in medical circles, whereas from nine weeks your baby may be called a foetus until she is born.

How Big Is Your Baby When You’re 1 Month Pregnant?

At this stage your baby is teeny-tiny, but by the end of this month the embryo is about the size of a poppy seed.

What Does an Embryo Look Like at 1 Month?

Changes to Your Body at 1 Month Pregnant

You probably won’t be noticing any changes to your body at one month pregnant, but there’s already a lot going on under the surface. At this stage, it’s important to prepare your body for pregnancy and childbirth.

An important part of this is getting good nutrition. Talk to your doctor or midwife about taking prenatal vitamins, and learn about how to make sure you’re eating the right amounts of iron and calcium, carbohydrates and protein. ‘Eating for two’ is just a figure of speech, by the way – there’s no need to increase your calorie intake during pregnancy. This isn’t usually a good time to go on a diet either though. Your doctor or midwife will be able to give you personalised advice on how much weight gain is normal during pregnancy. It’s also a good idea to read up on what foods to avoid while you’re pregnant. It may be helpful to start an exercise routine this month, or to continue with your existing one. Staying in shape while you’re pregnant will help you adapt more easily to the changes you’re about to go through. Check with your doctor or midwife to find out what kind of activities are safe during pregnancy. Pelvic floor exercises are especially useful during pregnancy, as they strengthen the muscles that you’ll be using during delivery. These simple muscle clenches not only help prepare your body for childbirth, they will also lower the risk of incontinence afterwards. Your midwife or doctor can help you figure out how to do these, if you’re unsure.

How Far Along Are You at 1 Month Pregnant?

The weeks of pregnancy don’t fit neatly into months, but as a rule of thumb, one month pregnant covers weeks one to four. At one month pregnant, you’re at the start of the first trimester. Pregnancy is also divided up into three main stages, known as trimesters, which break down approximately as follows:

How Is Your Due Date Calculated?

At one month pregnant, you’re probably keen to know when your little one will arrive. Our Due Date Calculator can give you a rough idea, but you’ll be given a more accurate date at your dating scan, which is usually offered at between 11 weeks and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Your due date is calculated as 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. Keep in mind that your due date is just an estimate. Most mums-to-be go into labour a week or so either side of the due date, and only a small percentage give birth exactly on their due date.

FAQs at a Glance

Most home pregnancy tests start to be accurate from the day your missed period would have started, although some more sensitive tests claim to work even earlier than this – even as early as eight days after conception. If you don’t know when to expect your next period, it’s advisable to do the test at least 21 days after last having unprotected sex. Keep in mind that a positive result is usually accurate, but negative tests are less reliable. If you think you’re pregnant but the test doesn’t agree, try again after a few days.

Checklist for When You’re 1 Month Pregnant

  • Take a home pregnancy test to confirm that you really are pregnant.

  • Tell your partner you are pregnant, if you haven’t already. Check out these fun and creative ways to announce your pregnancy to your partner.

  • Make an appointment to see your doctor or midwife. To find out who your midwife will be, contact your GP or the maternity unit of your local hospital.

  • Speak to your doctor about pregnancy nutrition and whether you need to take any antenatal vitamins, such as folic acid.

  • Quit any unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking. If you need help and support with quitting smoking, call the NHS Smokefree helpline (0300 123 1044), or ask your doctor or midwife about self-help groups in your local area.

  • Read our guide to exercising while pregnant, which is brimming with helpful tips, and ask your doctor about what type of exercise is right for your situation. Exercise can help you get a better night’s sleep and can also help with pregnancy body aches and pains.

  • Speak to your loved ones about how you’re feeling. Having a baby brings a lot of big changes to your life, and it’s common to experience all sorts of emotions during this time. Sharing your feelings can often help. If you feel you’d like to talk to someone outside your family or circle of friends, there are plenty of support groups to turn to. Your midwife or doctor will be able to point you in the right direction.

  • Although rare, it’s a good idea to read up on the signs of an ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilised egg implants outside your uterus) – just in case.

  • Start your baby name search by playing around with our Baby Name Generator.

  • Rest up whenever you can.

  • Sign up for even more weekly pregnancy tips here:

How we wrote this article
The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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