14 Weeks Pregnant

If you’re pregnant and have reached the exciting milestone of being 14 weeks along, congratulations! This is an important time in your pregnancy journey, and it’s important to understand what’s happening in your body and to your baby. We’ll discuss what happens at 14 weeks pregnant, including symptoms and changes to your body, tips for keeping yourself healthy, and the developmental milestones your baby is reaching.

Highlights at 14 Weeks Pregnant

Here are a few of the exciting highlights to look forward to during week 14 of your pregnancy:

  • At 14 weeks, your little one is starting to look more and more like the little baby you’ll meet after birth.

  • Your little one may be taking sips of amniotic fluid around this week – and weeing!

  • The second trimester may bring you an increase in your energy levels, as well as glossier hair.

  • At 14 weeks pregnant, your baby bump may be starting to show. It might be fun to start taking some photos of your bump now to see the progression over the coming weeks!

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Your Baby’s Development at 14 Weeks Pregnant

At 14 weeks pregnant, your baby is making plenty of big and exciting developments inside your belly, including:

  • Your little one still has a lot of growing to do but is becoming more baby-like all the time, as the head becomes rounder and more proportionate to the rest of the body.

  • Now that you're 14 weeks pregnant your baby is starting to swallow small amounts of amniotic fluid, and yes, they’re even weeing!

  • If you're having an ultrasound scan around 14 weeks pregnant, you might be lucky enough to see your little one take little sips of amniotic fluid! As their kidneys start to work, this fluid is then passed back into the amniotic sac as urine.

  • If you have a routine check-up at 14 weeks pregnant, you may be able to hear cardiac activity from your baby. Your midwife can detect this using a handheld monitor, known as a doppler.

How Many Months Is 14 Weeks Pregnant?

Now that you’re 14 weeks pregnant, you may be wondering what that is in months. Although the 40 weeks of pregnancy don’t fit neatly into 9 months, you’re likely 4 months pregnant.

Perhaps you know your due date already, but if not, you can try our Due Date Calculator for an estimate:


Your Baby's Size at 14 Weeks Pregnant

At 14 weeks, your foetus is now about the size of a nectarine, measuring close to 8.5 centimetres from head to bottom.

Your Baby: What Does 14 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

It can be hard to visualize what’s going on inside your belly at 14 weeks pregnant, so to help you get a bit more of an idea, check out the illustration below.

What a foetus at 14 weeks pregnant looks like

Your Body at 14 Weeks Pregnant

Until recently, your little one was still being nourished by a tiny yolk sac loaded with everything an embryo needs to grow into a foetus, but by now the outer layer of this ‘starter pack’ of nutrients has developed into a fully functioning placenta.

This pancake-shaped organ, attached to the lining of the uterus, has taken over the job of supplying all the oxygen, nutrients and hormones a baby needs to grow. Your little one gets all of this via the umbilical cord, which connects the foetus and the placenta.

Did you know, your placenta is actually pulling off a clever trick? It brings your blood close enough to your baby’s blood for all the good stuff to be transferred, but it doesn’t let the blood mix. This is important because your baby’s blood group might not be compatible with yours.

The placenta can also transfer things that aren’t good for your developing foetus, like certain medicines, alcohol, nicotine and other drugs. This is why you should check with your doctor about any medicines you take to ensure they are safe during pregnancy; why you should quit smoking, if you haven’t already; and why experts recommend cutting out alcohol while you’re pregnant.

The second trimester is often referred to as the ‘honeymoon’ period or the ‘golden’ phase of pregnancy. This is because some of the pesky early pregnancy symptoms may start to subside and many pregnant people experience some positives, including:

  • Increased energy and being less troubled by the common symptoms of early pregnancy like morning sickness and fatigue – but remember, every pregnancy is different.

  • You may also notice your hair getting shinier and thicker in the second trimester.

Your Symptoms at 14 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing at 14 weeks pregnant:

  • Leg cramps. You may experience lower leg cramps at 14 weeks or in the second trimester of pregnancy. These can strike at any time of day, but are most common at night or when resting. Try to prevent them by doing regular stretching exercises and drinking plenty of fluids.

  • Swollen and bleeding gums. At 14 weeks pregnant and throughout your pregnancy, pregnancy hormones can make your gums more sensitive to the plaque that builds up on your teeth, leading to soreness, swelling and bleeding. Help prevent this by brushing your teeth carefully at least twice a day for two minutes with toothpaste, using a soft small-headed brush, flossing once a day, and doing your best to avoid sugary drinks and foods.

  • Leaky breasts. Stains in your bra or a thick, yellowy substance leaking from your breasts are probably just colostrum – the first milk produced by your breasts. This is normal, and in fact, it means that your breasts are already gearing up to feed your baby. Consider using breast pads to soak up any leaking fluid if it's a problem.

  • Vaginal discharge. This is a common symptom in early pregnancy, but you may still experience some vaginal discharge this week. Healthy discharge is usually clear, white or creamy. Vaginal infections are also common around 14 weeks pregnant, so it’s best to take note of any changes in your discharge when you wipe, such as a change in colour (to brown, green or yellow), a bad smell or itching or pain.

What Size is a Pregnant Belly at 14 Weeks?

Around this time, your baby bump may start showing – although every pregnant person and pregnancy is unique, so it may happen a little earlier or later for you. Initially, you may just feel that your jeans are a little snug. If you’re not showing yet, that’s OK too! It could be just a week or two away!

It may be helpful to keep track of your weight gain right now. Your little one doesn’t need many extra calories at 14 weeks, so ensuring you don’t gain or lose too much weight at this point may be helpful for a healthy pregnancy. Your GP or midwife can help you stay on track with your weight, and you can also check out our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator.

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What Does 14 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

For an idea of what your belly might look like around 14 weeks pregnant, check out the image below.

Things to Consider at 14 Weeks Pregnant

Here are a few things to take into consideration around week 14 of pregnancy:

  • Travelling by air is usually OK at this stage. In fact, you might find it easier to travel this trimester as the nausea and fatigue of early pregnancy may have subsided. Before booking tickets, always read up on the airline's own rules on flying when pregnant and check with your GP if it’s ok for you to travel at this point. Find out how to make travelling a breeze while you're pregnant.

  • Get a bra fitting to make sure you are in the right size. You may have to move up a bra size or two at 14 weeks pregnant if your breasts have grown a lot since the start of your pregnancy. You might be happy with the growth and changes you’re experiencing, or perhaps the extra weight is leading to backache and stretch marks.

  • Steer clear of germs. It's impossible to avoid all infections, but the good news is there's a lot you can do to reduce the risks. Here are some ideas on how:

    • Diseases like chickenpox or rubella can harm your foetus. You may already be immune to some of these, but if not – or if you're unsure – tell your doctor or midwife if you come into contact with an infected person.

    • Close contact with young children can carry a risk of infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV), a common virus that can cause problems for an unborn foetus. Washing your hands regularly with soap and hot water, and not sharing cutlery or food with small children, can cut down on the risk.

    • Harmful toxoplasma can be found in cat and other animal poo, so let someone else deal with the litter tray for now, and make sure it's sterilised frequently. Wear gloves when gardening and wash your hands immediately afterwards, as soil can contain traces of animal faeces. Read more about toxoplasmosis for more helpful information.

    • Undercooked, cured meat products like salami, and unpasteurised goat's milk and cheese can also contain toxoplasma, so it's best to give these a wide berth for the time being. Read more on what not to eat when pregnant for more on this important topic.

    • Ask your midwife or doctor for more advice on protecting your foetus from harmful infections.

  • If you're 14 weeks pregnant with twins, read up on the things to consider when pregnant with multiples.


Tip for Partners

Plan a little weekend getaway to pamper your pregnant partner! The second trimester is a great time for a babymoon, before your partner’s growing belly and nearing due date make travelling more difficult in the third trimester.


Questions for Your Doctor at 14 Weeks Pregnant

It’s natural to have questions for your doctor or midwife now or throughout your pregnancy. Here are some common questions to ask at 14 weeks pregnant:

  • Is my pregnancy weight gain healthy and on track?

  • What types of exercise are safe for this second trimester?

  • Is there anything I should be avoiding in the second trimester?

  • Can I use the same over-the-counter medicines or herbal remedies that I used before pregnancy?


No pregnancy is the same, so that means what you’re feeling may not be necessarily what other pregnant people are feeling at 14 weeks. During the second trimester some of those early symptoms may ease, such as morning sickness and fatigue. You may feel a boost of energy at 14 weeks pregnant, so embrace this period if you can. Other possible symptoms may include, leaky breasts, leg cramps and swollen and bleeding gums.

14 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

Here are some to-dos that you may wish to consider when you’re 14 weeks pregnant:

Search for an antenatal class in your area, and register. Free classes are available through the NHS, but you may want to register nice and early so you can secure your spot.

Schedule a dental appointment, if you haven’t already. Remember, dental treatment provided on the NHS is free during your pregnancy and until your baby is one year old. To claim this, you’ll need a maternity exemption certificate, available from your midwife or doctor.

If you’re working, you might want to think about bringing your boss into the loop. This isn’t just a courtesy – your maternity rights and the laws that protect you at work will only apply from the moment your employer knows about your pregnancy. Find out more about your entitlement to maternity leave. If you have a working partner, they might be entitled to paternity leave.

If your family and boss already know, have you broken the news to your co-workers yet? Try some of our ideas for announcing your pregnancy at work.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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