29 Weeks Pregnant

At 29 weeks pregnant, you may experience a mix of excitement and anticipation as you get ready for your baby's arrival. Our article will cover the wonderful milestones your little one is reaching around 29 weeks pregnant, how your growing bump is changing and the symptoms that may come along with this, and tips on managing any discomforts you may encounter at this stage. Whether you're a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, we’ve got plenty of valuable insights into week 29 of pregnancy. Join us on this remarkable journey!

Highlights at 29 Weeks Pregnant

Before delving into the details, check out some highlights of being 29 weeks pregnant:

  • At 29 weeks, your baby is continuing to grow and gain weight in preparation for the big wide world.

  • You may be feeling lots of movement from your little one right now. Become familiar with their individual pattern of movements and take note of their active periods.

  • Your growing belly might be causing some discomfort, such as shortness of breath and fatigue around 29 weeks pregnant, but remember, you’re in the home stretch now!

  • If you’re still on the search for baby names, check out our Baby Name Generator below for some inspiration:


Baby Name Generator

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Your Baby’s Development at 29 Weeks Pregnant

Your little one is preparing to meet you! Here are some of the exciting developments they’re working on to prepare during week 29:

  • You're probably feeling kicks and movement inside your bump at 29 weeks pregnant, as your little one changes position from time to time.

  • You may already be able to identify more active periods – times of day when you usually feel more movement – and quieter spells when the kicks and somersaults are more subdued. When your little one is taking a nap, you may not feel any movement at all for anything up to 90 minutes.

  • You'll probably soon be familiar with these patterns of rest, sleep and activity. If you notice any major change in the routine, or if you feel an overall reduction in foetal movement at 29 weeks pregnant or later, it's important to call your midwife or doctor straight away so they can check that everything's OK with your little one. As a part of this, your doctor or midwife may ask you to check foetal activity by tracking your baby’s movements. If this is necessary, they will tell you the best way to do this.

  • All pregnancies are different, so there isn't a set number of movements you should be feeling in a given day – the most important thing is to be familiar with your little one's own routine so you pick up on any changes as soon as possible.

  • Kick counting charts or apps can help you get a better idea of foetal movement patterns at around 29 weeks pregnant, but don't use these or any other home equipment to ‘self-diagnose' any problems – always get advice from your doctor or midwife as soon as possible if you have any concerns.

  • Aside from those little kicks and wriggles your baby is doing, they’re also continuing to gain fat and prepare themselves for the outside world. They’re basically a miniature version of the baby you’ll meet on your big day! When you meet them, don’t be surprised if they’re covered in a sticky substance called vernix. It coats their skin in the womb and acts as a protective layer. Vernix can be left on your baby’s skin for a few days to act as a natural moisturiser.

For more on how your little one will develop in the coming months, check out our third-trimester guide.

How Many Months Is 29 Weeks Pregnant?

Wondering what 29 weeks pregnant is in months? The pregnancy weeks don’t divide neatly into 9 months; however, you're generally considered to be in your seventh month when you’re 29 weeks pregnant.

If you’re also wondering how many days you have left in your pregnancy at 29 weeks, there’s no exact answer to this question. Your due date is an estimate of when your baby will arrive, but it’s unlikely they’ll be born on their exact date. Many people give birth up to three weeks before or two weeks after their estimated due date.


Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy Weight Gain: All You Need to Know

Your Baby’s Size at 29 Weeks Pregnant

Now that you're 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of a butternut squash, measuring close to 38.6 centimetres head to heel. If you’re wondering what your baby’s weight is in kg at 29 weeks pregnant, it may be around 1.2 kilograms.

Your Baby: What Does 29 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

Although your baby may be moving and changing positions over the next few weeks (and only your doctor can tell you what position your baby’s in right now), here’s a general look at the position your baby may be in at 29 weeks pregnant.

Your Body at 29 Weeks Pregnant

At 29 weeks pregnant and throughout pregnancy, eating healthily is vital for your health and the growth of the little one inside your bump. Two of the most important nutrients are iron and calcium.

Iron helps your body make and replenish red blood cells, which transport oxygen around the body. A lack of iron can make you tired and lead to anaemia.

Foods with a high iron content include meat, beans, nuts, whole grains, dried fruit and dark-green leafy vegetables, like spinach and kale. Keep in mind that one well-known source of iron, liver, isn't safe to eat while you're pregnant.

Your doctor or midwife are probably keeping an eye on your iron levels and will advise you to take an iron supplement if necessary.

Calcium is also critical for your body and your growing foetus. Besides strengthening your bones and teeth, it also helps to build and grow your little one's bones as well.

To get more calcium in your diet, eat plenty of dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt, green leafy veggies such as rocket and watercress, as well as fish that you eat whole with the bones, like sardines and pilchards.

Bread and other bakery products made with fortified flour are another good source of this essential mineral.

You may be wondering if you're within a healthy weight range at 29 weeks pregnant. On average, pregnant people put on between 10 and 12.5 kilograms overall during pregnancy, but it's important to remember that this is only an average figure – the actual amount of weight gain varies a lot from person to person. What constitutes a healthy weight gain depends on lots of things, including what you weighed before you got pregnant, your body mass index (BMI), and of course how many months or weeks pregnant you are.

You're likely to put on most of the extra kilos after you've passed the 20-week mark. It's worth keeping in mind ‘Eating for two' is just a figure of speech. It's much more important to have a healthy, balanced diet.

Even in the third trimester, there's no need to up your calorie intake significantly. This also applies if you're 29 weeks pregnant with twins.

If you're unsure whether your weight gain is on track at 29 weeks pregnant, ask your midwife or doctor for advice based on your individual situation. You can also try our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator below to help you stay on track:

Related pregnancy tool

Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator

Follow the expected weight gain during your pregnancy week by week.

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Your Symptoms at 29 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing at 29 weeks pregnant:

  • Shortness of breath. Seeing your newborn for the first time might just take your breath away, but until that moment comes, you may experience a different type of breathlessness. At around 29 weeks pregnant, your growing uterus isn't leaving much space for your other abdominal organs, so your stomach and diaphragm might have to press against your lungs. As a result, your lungs don't have as much room to expand causing some shortness of breath. That extra weight you're carrying around probably isn't helping much either. To catch your breath, try to move more slowly, take frequent rests and don't overexert yourself.

  • Varicose veins. If you're noticing sore and possibly itchy blue veins bulging on your legs, these are probably varicose veins. The risk of developing these is higher during pregnancy, as the increased amount of blood circulating around your body puts more strain on the veins. Added to this, pregnancy hormones relax the muscular walls of the blood vessels, making them more prone to swelling. Your growing uterus can put pressure on the veins in your pelvic area, causing varicose veins there too. They may look unpleasant or feel uncomfortable, but varicose veins aren't harmful to you or your foetus. To relieve any discomfort, try not to stand for long periods of time, don't sit with your legs crossed and keep your feet elevated whenever possible.

  • Fatigue. If you feel like your energy reserves are running on empty at around 29 weeks pregnant, rest assured that tiredness and exhaustion are common symptoms of pregnancy, especially during this later stage. The extra weight you're now carrying could be partly to blame. You might also be finding it hard to get a good night's sleep while pregnant as your bump starts getting in the way. Increasingly frequent trips to the loo at night probably aren't helping much either. Lack of sleep isn't bad for your foetus, but it can leave you feeling irritable or down. If you're finding it hard to drop off at night, take daytime naps whenever you can and avoid drinks with caffeine for a few hours before going to bed. If the size of your belly is making it hard to get into a comfortable sleeping position at 29 weeks pregnant, try supporting it with pillows and put another pillow or cushion between your knees. Experts advise sleeping on your side when pregnant, especially in the third trimester, as this is the safest position for your foetus.

  • Leg cramps. These are among the more common aches and pains of pregnancy, but medical experts aren't sure what causes them. If you're getting them, you may have noticed that the painful cramps in your calves or feet often strike at night, interrupting your sleep. Gentle leg and foot stretching exercises may help prevent leg cramps, especially if you do them just before going to bed. If a cramp does strike, try pulling your toes up hard towards your shins, or massaging the knotted muscle.

  • Diarrhoea. Although nausea and vomiting are common symptoms during pregnancy, diarrhoea is generally a sign that you may have a tummy bug. If you’re experiencing vomiting and diarrhoea at 29 weeks pregnant, it may pass within 48 hours. In the meantime, take care of yourself by staying hydrated, resting, and only eating small and light meals (if you can keep food down). Contact your doctor if your tummy bug lasts longer than 48 hours, and/ or you can’t keep any liquids down.

What Size Is a Pregnant Belly at 29 Weeks?

Your uterus may have expanded quite a lot this month thanks to your growing baby. Because every bump is different, your doctor or midwife may measure your fundal height at around 29 weeks pregnant to ensure that your baby’s growth is on track. Fundal height is the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus.

The size of your bump might be the cause of some discomfort at 29 weeks and throughout the third trimester. Take a look at some of the symptoms above and some tips for easing discomfort during this period.

What Does 29 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

Here’s a general idea of uterus and belly size in your seventh month of pregnancy, around 29 weeks pregnant:

Things to Consider at 29 Weeks Pregnant

Take a look at our helpful list of things to consider at 29 weeks pregnant and onwards:

  • It's not unusual to feel anxious or vulnerable when you're pregnant, however thrilled you are about having a baby. If you're finding it hard to cope with worries or negative feelings, or if you're experiencing mood swings, talking to your family and friends is often a great way of cutting the problems down to size. If you'd prefer some more impartial advice, your midwife and doctor can also help you find support groups or professionals who can help.

  • If you're feeling a little stressed out or frazzled at 29 weeks pregnant, you might like to try some of these stress-relief techniques. One way to relax is to practice prenatal yoga or meditation. Your midwife or doctor can give you more information about practising yoga safely.

  • Have you decided who (if anyone) you want to be with you when you give birth? Your birth partner might be your partner or maybe a close friend or relative. Your birth partner can do lots to support you during labour and delivery. They can keep you company, give massages and encourage you. Your birth partner can also help you use those relaxation and breathing techniques that you might have learned at your antenatal classes. He or she can also help with communication between you and your midwife or doctor, making sure your wishes are understood and helping you to feel more in control of what's going on. It's a good idea to discuss your preferences and feelings about your labour and delivery with your birth partner well in advance.

  • If you haven't already signed up for antenatal classes and you'd like to, it's worth asking your midwife what's available. Antenatal classes cover all sorts of aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as how to look after your newborn. There may also be special classes available in your area if you're a single parent-to-be or a teenager, or if English is not your first language. Antenatal classes are free if provided via the NHS. Demand is high though, so at 29 weeks pregnant you might not want to put this off any longer – the sooner you book, the better your chances of getting a place. If all the NHS classes are booked up in your area, you may be able to find alternative classes on a fee-paying basis – ask your midwife or doctor what's on offer locally. If none are available, or if you're unable to attend antenatal classes for another reason, your midwife may be able to loan you a DVD or book about antenatal care, or point you in the direction of online resources.

  • If you're pregnant with twins or triplets, some maternity units offer special courses for parents-to-be who are expecting multiples.

  • If you’re having a baby shower, the host may be asking you for details of your gift registry so that she can send out the invitations and point guests to your registry. If you’re still finalising your registry, check out our newborn baby checklist to make sure you’ve covered all the essentials.

Tip for Partners

If you’re going to be the birthing partner, consider talking to your pregnant partner about what methods of childbirth preparation they want to try and if you can join them in the classes. It's helpful to learn about the various methods and pick up tips on supporting your partner through labour and delivery. Preparation can go a long way!


Questions for Your Doctor at 29 Weeks Pregnant

If you have any questions or concerns at 29 weeks or at any point during your pregnancy, your doctor and midwife are always there to answer them. Here are some common questions to ask during this period:

  • Should I be doing kick counts? What’s a good way to keep track of foetal movement at 29 weeks pregnant?

  • What symptoms should I always call my doctor about in the third trimester?

  • How many more routine antenatal appointments will I have between now and my due date? When will any check-ups and tests be scheduled?

  • Is it likely that I’ll need an episiotomy (a small cut in the perineum, between the vagina and anus) if I have a vaginal delivery? What exactly does this involve, and why might it be offered?

  • Do I have any of the risk factors of pre-eclampsia, and what warning signs should I look out for?

  • Is a 3D or 4D ultrasound scan recommended for me, and could I have one around 29 weeks pregnant?

  • Will I have an ultrasound at 29 weeks pregnant?

  • What are some symptoms not to ignore at 29 weeks pregnant?


By 29 weeks, your baby may have migrated to a head-down position, but don't worry if they haven't just yet – they may be moving and changing positions frequently. There's still plenty of time for your baby to turn before birth.

29 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

For a little help along your pregnancy journey, take a look at our list of to-dos:

☐ Check with your employer about any other paperwork you need to complete before you go on maternity leave. You might also like to create a plan for how you will gradually hand over your tasks so things aren’t left to the last minute.

☐ If you have a partner, they may also want to check everything is in order if they’re eligible for paternity leave.

☐ Start thinking about how to decorate your baby's nursery, if you haven’t already. Use our baby checklist to ensure you’ve got all those baby nursery essentials.

☐ Choose or start designing a birth announcement for when your newborn has arrived. You might want to have traditional cards printed that you can send to your family and friends, or you might want to design an announcement that you can share via email or social media.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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