24 Weeks Pregnant
At 24 weeks pregnant, you're likely feeling a mixture of feelings as you prepare for the arrival of your little one. But what exactly is happening with your baby and your body at this point? Keep reading for a guide to being 24 weeks pregnant, including your baby’s development, some common symptoms, and what you can expect in the coming weeks. You can also discover some tips on how to stay comfortable and healthy during this exciting time. So, grab a cup of tea, put your feet up, and let's dive into the world of 24 weeks pregnant!
Highlights at 24 Weeks Pregnant
Before we get into all the details, let’s take a look at some of the highlights from 24 weeks pregnant:
At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of an ear of corn!
They are now a tiny version of the baby you’ll meet at the end of your pregnancy journey, but they’ll continue to develop and gain weight until then.
You might want to consider your birthing options during this period, including your birthing partner and labour comfort measures.
If your bump is starting to show, our article has some ways to ease any aches and pains and some advice on sleeping comfortably.
If you’re concerned about your pregnancy weight gain at 24 weeks, try our Weight Gain Calculator below:
Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator
Fill out your details:
Your Baby’s Development at 24 Weeks Pregnant
Here are some of the big developments your little one is making during this period:
Your little one is looking very ‘baby-like’ these days. Everything is in proportion now, although your foetus still needs to gain some fat. This will change as they plump up and grow in size over the weeks and months ahead.
When you’re 24 weeks pregnant, you and your little one have reached a very important milestone. In the event of a premature birth, your foetus’s lungs and other organs may now be developed enough to give them a chance of surviving outside your belly in a modern neonatal care unit.
Of course, it’s much better for your little one to stay in your belly until they’re completely ready for life outside the uterus, but it’s still reassuring to know that, from now on, the risks associated with your baby being born prematurely are getting a little lower with every passing week.
Now is a great time to read up on the signs of premature labour to be on the safe side. If you experience any of these symptoms which include regular or rhythmic contractions, an unusual backache or fluid trickling or gushing from your vagina, call your midwife or doctor straight away.
If you’re 24 weeks pregnant with twins or triplets, there’s a higher chance of your babies being born a little earlier, but your doctor and midwife are aware of the extra risks associated with multiple pregnancies, and know best how to manage them. You and your little ones will be monitored closely. Depending on the type of multiple pregnancy you’re having, you’ll be offered extra antenatal appointments to make sure everything is going smoothly.
How Many Months is 24 Weeks Pregnant?
By the time you hit 24 weeks pregnant, you’re just a few weeks away from the end of the second trimester, which occurs at 14 to 27 weeks. You might be wondering what 24 weeks pregnant is in months. Well, the weeks of pregnancy don’t slot neatly into months, but you’re probably in the early stages of your sixth month.
Your Baby’s Size at 24 Weeks Pregnant
Now that you’re 24 weeks pregnant, your foetus is about the size of an ear of corn, measuring close to 30 centimetres from head to heel, and weighing in at around 600 grams.
Your Baby: What Does 24 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
Take a peek at how your baby may be looking this week

Your Body at 24 Weeks Pregnant
As you get closer to the end of the second trimester, you’ve already been through so many changes. Some of these might be visible, others less so.
If you experienced morning sickness during your early pregnancy, it’s probably faded completely now that you’re 24 weeks pregnant, although it’s possible to be bothered by lingering symptoms of nausea and vomiting in the later stages of pregnancy, too. If you’re experiencing severe nausea or vomiting, see your doctor to make sure it isn’t caused by something other than the natural hormonal changes of pregnancy.
Your pregnancy can affect you in other, less visible ways, too. For example, it’s perfectly normal to go through periods of worry, no matter how excited you are about having a baby. Things like changes in your lifestyle and financial worries can make you feel stressed and put a strain on even the strongest of relationships. It’s important to talk through your feelings and any problems with your partner or lean on your support network of friends and family.
Your midwife can also help you find support groups in your area. Sometimes seeking help from a neutral ‘outsider’ can help you feel better. Don’t be shy about seeking this kind of help. There are many resources available out there – you only need to ask!
Your Symptoms at 24 Weeks Pregnant
Here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing at 24 weeks pregnant:
Skin changes. If you have any birthmarks, freckles or moles, they might have turned a few shades darker now that you’re pregnant. You may notice brown patches called chloasma on your face. You might also have a dark line called the linea negra down the middle of your belly, and your nipples may also be darker. The hormonal changes that go with being pregnant can affect skin pigmentation. These changes usually fade away gradually after you give birth, although there’s a chance that your nipples won’t return to precisely their original shade. If you’re planning a babymoon in a sunny location, keep in mind that your skin could be more sensitive to the sun now. Stay safe by spending less time in the sun. When you do venture out, use a high-factor sunscreen on exposed areas of skin. This is also said to help reduce chloasma.
Stretch marks. You may notice these pink or purple streaks appearing on your belly, thighs and breasts around 24 weeks pregnant. Stretch marks are harmless, and given time they usually fade away gradually to leave a faint silvery trace after your baby is born. There’s not much you can do to prevent or get rid of stretch marks, although avoiding excessive weight gain might lower the chances.
Round ligament pain. Around 24 weeks pregnant, you may start to experience pain on one or both sides of your abdomen or hip area. This could be due to round ligament pain, which commonly occurs during pregnancy. Round ligament pain occurs when the ligaments holding your uterus in place become strained and stretched. You can try gently stretching and changing positions to reduce the pain. If you notice the pain getting worse, or it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or bleeding, get in touch with your doctor for a check-up.
Trouble sleeping. At 24 weeks pregnant and with only four weeks left until the third trimester, getting that all-important rest may not be so easy anymore, especially if your bump is starting to get in the way. More frequent trips to the loo could also be interrupting your beauty sleep. Experts say it’s best to sleep on your side when you’re pregnant, as lying on your back for long periods can affect your foetus’s blood and oxygen supply. To get more comfortable at 24 weeks pregnant and onwards, try using pillows to support your growing bump. Putting another pillow between your knees can also help.
Loss of balance and dizziness. As your belly grows, you may start to feel a little off balance from time to time due to the new way your weight is distributed. On top of this, changes in circulation can make you feel dizzy or light-headed. Take care to move slowly when getting up or changing positions, drink lots of water and stay cool. If you start to feel dizzy, lie down on your side. Ask your doctor for advice if you have any concerns.
Leg cramps. You could be experiencing painful muscle spasms in your calf or foot at 24 weeks pregnant, and these symptoms tend to be most common at night. Experts aren’t exactly sure why leg cramps strike during pregnancy. Anyway, massaging the area can help, as can getting regular exercise. Stretching your calves two or three times a day, including just before bed might also help. Here’s how:
Stand facing a wall with your feet flat on the floor. Make sure you’re standing far enough away from the wall that your arms are straight and your palms are flat on the wall.
Keeping your palms on the wall, bend your elbows and lean forward until you feel your calf muscles gently stretching.
Hold this position for two or three seconds before standing up straight again.
Repeat a few times, for up to five minutes.
What Size Is a Pregnant Belly at 24 Weeks?
Some pregnant people have a clearly visible bump at 24 weeks pregnant, whilst, for others, the bump hardly shows – no two pregnancies are the same!
What Does 24 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
For an idea of how your belly might look when you're around 24 weeks pregnant, take a look at the image below.
Things to Consider at 24 Weeks Pregnant
Now you’re reached 24 weeks pregnant, you might be wondering what lies ahead and whether you need to know anything particular about this stage of pregnancy, or what you can do to prepare for your baby’s arrival. Check out the following list for a few handy tips:
Sex while pregnant. At 24 weeks pregnant and as your belly grows, you and your partner may be wondering whether sex is still safe. As long as your pregnancy is progressing normally, it’s usually safe to keep enjoying sex if you and your partner both want to. If your pregnancy has complications, your doctor or midwife may advise you to abstain. Everyone’s situation is different, so ask your doctor or midwife if you’re in any doubt. Keep in mind, you and your partner’s sex drive might vary at this time, so it’s best to discuss your feelings about sex during pregnancy to help make sure you’re both on the same page.
Glucose screening. You’ll probably need to go for a glucose tolerance test sometime between now and 28 weeks. This is done to screen for gestational diabetes. You may have had a similar test already at 8-12 weeks if you’ve had gestational diabetes before, or if you were identified as having a higher risk based on questions asked at your first antenatal appointment. For this test, you’ll be asked not to eat or drink anything overnight, and then have the blood test first thing in the morning. After this first blood test, you’ll be given a very sweet glucose drink and asked to rest for a couple of hours. Then another blood sample will be taken so your doctor can see how effectively your body has processed the glucose.
Gestational diabetes. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you’ll be monitored more closely and encouraged to make dietary and lifestyle changes to lower your blood sugar levels. If this doesn’t do the trick, you may also be prescribed medication. Don’t be alarmed if you do have this condition. As long as it’s properly managed, gestational diabetes isn’t likely to harm your baby, and it usually goes away after you deliver.
Birth preferences. Have you discussed your labour with your birth partner? It’s a good idea to talk things over well in advance with the person that you plan to have with you at the birth. Your birth partner might be your partner, or perhaps a trusted friend or close relative. The more your birth partner knows about your personal preferences and the kind of birth you’d like to have, the better they can support you when the time comes. It’s also great if your birth partner can go with you to antenatal classes, to get a better idea of what might happen during the birth. Your birth partner can support you by helping with certain comfort measures like massages, and give you lots of encouragement and emotional support.
Driving or riding in a car. Now that you’re 24 weeks pregnant, you need to start making some changes to things like how you fasten your seatbelt. The lap strap of the seatbelt should go under your tummy and rest snugly on your pelvis. The cross strap should run between your breasts. Make sure that no part of the seatbelt is over your belly. Ask your midwife if you’re unsure about how best to do up your seatbelt as your bump grows.
Babyproofing. Although your baby’s arrival is still a few months away, and your baby being able to crawl and walk could be almost a year away, the second trimester is still a great time to start babyproofing. This is because you may have a bit of energy for it now, and once your baby has arrived you will have lots of other things on your plate. Check out our tips on how to baby-proof your home. Remember, while you can get some things out of the way now (like securing electric cables and adding child-proof locks to low cupboards) baby proofing is an ongoing task, and you’ll need to revisit it before your little one can crawl.
Your subconscious. Experienced any strange things you can’t quite place lately? At 24 weeks pregnant, it’s entirely normal to have some strange dreams or struggle to stay focused when you usually stay on top of things. While frustrating at times, this phenomenon is common at this point in pregnancy.
Tip for Partners If your pregnant partner is starting to think about childbirth options at 24 weeks, you could help them with their birth plan. If you’re going to be the birthing partner, learn how to support your partner during labour – attending childbirth classes together will provide you with great tips and information. Being prepared for what’s to come will benefit both of you. |
Questions for Your Doctor at 24 Weeks Pregnant
At this point in your pregnancy, you may have a list of questions for your doctor. If not, you can ask the following questions and anything on your mind when you next see your doctor.
After all, they’re on this journey with you.
What help is available if I’m feeling down while pregnant?
Do I have any screening tests coming up soon?
Are there any foods I should be eating more of? Any foods I need to avoid?
Are there any vaccinations I need to get while I’m pregnant? When is the best time to have them, to ensure the best protection for me and my little one?
FAQs at a Glance
Although the 40 weeks of pregnancy can be grouped into months using various methods, at 24 weeks, you’re likely in your sixth month of pregnancy.
24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Check out this handy checklist for when you’re 24 weeks pregnant:
Feeling stressed? Why not join a prenatal yoga class?
Ask your midwife about getting the whooping cough jab during pregnancy. If you have this vaccination while pregnant, your baby will also be protected against this dangerous disease from the moment he or she is born. The best time to get this vaccine is somewhere between 16 weeks and 32 weeks.
Take the opportunity to enjoy a short babymoon, if you can. After 28 weeks, this often becomes more difficult, so 24 weeks may be a great time for a quick getaway. It’s never a bad idea to discuss your travel plans with your doctor. Here are some factors to consider if you plan to fly while pregnant.
If you’d like professional photos taken of your baby shortly after birth, start researching photographers now so that you can book your preferred one nice and early.
24 weeks pregnant - checklist
How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.