19 Weeks Pregnant

As you approach the halfway mark of your pregnancy, you may be experiencing a range of emotions as your baby grows and develops inside you. At 19 weeks pregnant, you may be wondering what important milestones are happening, some common symptoms, how to stay comfortable and healthy, and many other questions. So, keep reading and let's dive into the wonderful world of pregnancy at 19 weeks.

19 Weeks Pregnant: Highlights

Here are a few highlights and things to think about during this week of pregnancy:

  • Your baby is about the size of a mango at 19 weeks pregnant.

  • Your little one is gaining weight and will continue to do so throughout the pregnancy, but right now, they may still look pretty wrinkly.

  • With your baby bump becoming more prominent, find ways to stay comfortable at night or during exercise.

  • Baby names may be on your mind now that you're nearly halfway through your pregnancy. Check out our Baby Name Generator below for some inspiration:


Baby Name Generator

Baby name generator

By gender:




By theme:









Your Baby’s Development at 19 Weeks Pregnant

By the time you reach 19 weeks pregnant, your baby has hit several developmental milestones:

  • You might be surprised to learn that around this week your little one’s adult teeth are starting to grow. They are forming just behind the ‘milk teeth’, which you will see when your baby is about six months old.

  • If you’re expecting a baby girl, her little reproductive system is well established by this point. Her ovaries contain over 6 million primitive egg cells at 19 weeks, which reduces to around 1 million when she’s born.

  • If you’re having a boy, his testicles have formed and started secreting testosterone around week 10 of your pregnancy, and the external genitals are continuing to grow.

  • If you were to see your foetus this week, you’d see that the skin is quite wrinkly. This is because your little one hasn’t gained too much fat yet. All in good time, though, because in the coming weeks and months, the fat stores will increase and those wrinkles will be filled right out.

  • Around this time, the skin starts to produce a greasy coating called vernix. It protects the skin from the amniotic fluid while in the uterus. Most of the vernix comes off by birth, but some babies are born with a little still left on their skin.

  • Another milestone that occurs when you’re 19 weeks pregnant is that your baby starts to adopt more regular sleeping and waking patterns. They may also wake up to movement and noises.

  • At this point, they will also start growing little nails on their recently formed fingertips and toes.

  • Through much of the first half of your pregnancy, the foetus’s head has been disproportionately larger than the rest of the body. Now that you’re 19 weeks pregnant, your little one’s body has almost caught up and the size of the body is in proportion to that of the head.

How Many Months Is 19 Weeks Pregnant?

If you’re 19 weeks pregnant, you may be wondering what that is in months. The pregnancy weeks can be grouped into months in various ways; however, at 19 weeks, you’re generally considered 5 months pregnant.

Your Baby’s Size at 19 Weeks Pregnant

At 19 weeks pregnant, your foetus is about the size of a mango, measures around 15 centimetres from crown to rump, and weighs about 240 grams.

And have you started feeling some fluttering or bubbling in your belly around 19 weeks pregnant? This may be your little one moving around. This week or in the coming weeks, you may feel your baby move for the first time. These movements will become more obvious and stronger as the weeks go on.

Your Baby: What Does 19 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

How your baby looks this week can be easier to imagine with the help of a visual, so check out the illustration below

Your Body at 19 Weeks Pregnant

Your growing bump may be causing some discomfort this week or you may notice it’s making your regular activities a little more difficult. For example, if you're a runner, you may be finding the size of your bump at 19 weeks pregnant makes this form of exercise uncomfortable. If this sounds like you, you might find switching to something like swimming or prenatal yoga helps.

You might also find you need to adjust what you do to avoid pain. For example, avoiding lifting heavy objects now might help prevent back pain.

As your bump grows, doing exercises that stretch and strengthen the back muscles, wearing abdominal support garments and using heating pads to soothe sore muscles might also help reduce some of the discomforts.

Your growing bump might also be giving you some pelvic pain around 19 weeks pregnant. If this is you, seek help from your doctor, stay active (but never do anything that gives you more pain), rest whenever possible (so get help with those household chores), take each stair one at a time (or avoid stairs altogether), keep your knees together when getting in or out of a car, sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs and wear flat shoes that provide good support.

Your Symptoms at 19 Weeks Pregnant

Every pregnancy is unique and you may or may not experience similar symptoms to other pregnant people. And did you know that the symptoms of a baby boy or girl can be the same, so, there’s no true way to tell the gender at 19 weeks pregnant just by the symptoms – the only way to find out the gender of your baby is with an ultrasound. Here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing at 19 weeks pregnant:

  • Brown patches on your face. One of the common symptoms experienced at around 19 weeks pregnant is chloasma or the ‘mask of pregnancy'. If you have these dark or brown patches on your skin, you're not alone. Chloasma affects about half of all pregnant people. Pregnancy hormones are thought to cause these pigment changes but chloasma can be made worse by sun exposure, so it's a good idea to wear a hat or stay in the shade. The good news? The dark patches will likely fade within a few months of you giving birth.

  • Dull or sharp abdominal pain. As your uterus grows the ligaments of your abdomen stretch to accommodate your bump. As a result, you might feel ‘growing pains' called round ligament pain. This often feels like a sharp or dull pain on one side of your lower abdomen. Rest usually offers the best relief. Call your GP if the pain is severe or if it's accompanied by any other symptoms like fever or bleeding.

  • Heartburn and indigestion. If you experience a burning sensation in your chest, bloating or nausea after eating a big meal, it could be heartburn or indigestion. As the foetus grows, your stomach has less space and as pregnancy hormones loosen your muscles stomach acid can enter your oesophagus. What should you try to combat heartburn and indigestion? Eat smaller meals, avoid anything too rich or spicy, avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee and energy drinks and sit up straight when you eat.

  • Constipation. Feeling blocked up is a common symptom at 19 weeks and throughout pregnancy, but that doesn't make it any easier to cope when you feel bloated and achy. Exercising and staying well hydrated can help ease constipation, as can eating high-fibre foods. Go for foods like beans, lentils, wholegrain bread, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

  • Swollen gums. At 19 weeks and throughout pregnancy, changing hormone levels can increase the amount of plaque on your teeth. This can irritate your gums making them swell and bleed. Brushing your teeth regularly and avoiding sugary snacks can help reduce plaque build-up, but it's also worth visiting the dentist for expert advice.

  • Incontinence. Your body is getting ready to give birth and, as result, your muscles are made to relax by pregnancy hormones. The muscles that support your bladder can also loosen, leading to a little bit of pee escaping when you laugh, cough or sneeze. Practising pelvic floor exercises regularly might help, but you might also want to chat with your midwife for some extra advice.

What Size is a Pregnant Belly at 19 Weeks?

When you’re 19 weeks pregnant, your bump is likely growing noticeably bigger, and it could even be starting to get in the way of your daily activities. Although by 40 weeks you may find reaching for your shoes impossible, even at this stage your bump may be causing you to rethink those actions you used to take for granted.

In the sections above, we’ve detailed some ways to manage your growing belly, such as regular exercise, stretching, and resting. And check out our below section on ‘Things to Consider’ for some helpful sleep tips at 19 weeks pregnant as your belly continues growing.

What Does 19 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?

For a better idea of what your belly might look like around 19 weeks pregnant, when you’re in your fifth month of pregnancy, check out the image below.

Things to Consider at 19 Weeks Pregnant

As you hit the midpoint in your pregnancy, here are some things to consider:

  • Exercise is super important during pregnancy – just don't overdo it. There are many benefits. It will help you adapt to your growing size, cope with the physical challenges of giving birth, and help you get back into shape after your baby is born. It might also help reduce feelings of stress. You can keep exercising and doing your usual daily activities as long as it still feels comfortable. Walking, swimming and yoga can be great choices at 19 weeks pregnant, even if you’re pregnant with twins. Don't forget to warm up, stay hydrated during and after exercise and to let your instructor know that you're pregnant if you're doing classes. Experts recommend avoiding exercises that involve lying on your back as your bump can press on blood vessels making you feel faint. They also recommend avoiding contact sports or dangerous activities that can result in injury. If you're in any doubt, talk to your doctor or midwife about the right form of exercise during your pregnancy for you.

  • As your bump gets bigger, you may find it's getting in the way of a good night's rest around 19 weeks pregnant. Sleeping on your back from the second trimester onward puts weight on your spine and back muscles, and it may also compress major blood vessels, which can leave you feeling dizzy. Instead, try to sleep on your side with both legs bent and a pillow between your knees. You can also put a pillow under your belly. If you wake up in the middle of the night on your back, just go back to sleep on your side. If you find it hard to sleep through the night, try to get some naps in during the day. Also, avoid caffeine in the evening, and try some relaxation techniques and creating a more serene atmosphere in the hours before you plan to go to bed. Learn more about sleeping while pregnant to enjoy a better night's sleep. If you think your sleeplessness might be caused by something more serious, always chat with your GP – they'll be able to provide some helpful advice.

  • In the coming weeks and months one of your friends or family members will likely start organising your baby shower. They might have some questions for you about what you would like and who you would like to be there. They might also ask you to set up a baby shower gift registry so that the guests will know what to get you that you will actually love and use. Take a look at our registry checklist for inspiration on what to include so that you're prepared.

  • You might like to research hypnobirthing and book a course in the coming weeks. Hypnobirthing is a childbirth education course that focuses on teaching things like self-hypnosis, controlled breathing techniques, and relaxation exercises that can help your birth experience be a more peaceful and calm one. Ask parents in your area for tips on where to find a course, or ask your GP or midwife to recommend a good one.


Tip for Partners

Is your pregnant partner tossing and turning, finding it hard to get comfortable at night? Why not get some extra pillows for them to use between their legs or under their bump. Adding more pillows is an easy way to help create a cosy and relaxing bedroom environment that’s conducive to a good night’s sleep. 


Questions For Your Doctor at 19 Weeks Pregnant

Here are a few questions you may consider asking your GP or midwife around 19 weeks pregnant:

  • What can be done about itchy skin?

  • Would I benefit from using a pelvic support girdle and where can I get one?

  • Can I get access to a physiotherapist for back, hip or pelvic pain?

  • Will I have my mid-pregnancy ultrasound around 19 weeks pregnant?

  • What choices do I have to make about where and how I give birth?


Your baby is making lots of developments during this period, including:

  • forming adult teeth behind their baby teeth
  • gaining fat
  • producing vernix on their skin
  • developing their sleep-wake cycle.

19 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

□ With any luck, you might have the second-trimester energy boost. Use it to get creative and choose what colour you’d like to paint the nursery and start collecting nursery decoration ideas.

□ If your clothes no longer fit your growing belly, it could be time to switch to maternity wear or loose and stretchy clothing. Ask friends or family members who’ve had children if they have anything to spare, or ask your midwife for recommendations on where to buy affordable maternity wear.

□ Read up on the warning signs you should not ignore during pregnancy.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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