10 Fun Ideas for Pregnancy Announcement Cards
At around the start of the second trimester, you might be ready to announce your pregnancy more publicly. Here are 10 clever pregnancy announcement card ideas to inspire you and your partner.
10 Pregnancy Announcement Card Ideas
1. Scan Fun
Copy the first ultrasound image of your baby and print out dozens of copies to be the background of your announcement card. Secure the image to a postcard-sized piece of card and affix a 'Coming Soon' label to the upper-right corner of the ultrasound image with your baby's due date.
2. Positively Exciting
Find that picture you took of your positive pregnancy test, come on, we know you took one – and craft a digital photo card around it. Let the image do all the talking, but be prepared for the onslaught of calls, texts and e-mails.
3. Bun in the Oven
Place a burger bun on the middle shelf of your oven and snap a picture. Place the picture in a pre-designed pregnancy announcement and send it digitally to friends and family.
4. Big Sibs to the Rescue
Dress your older child in a shirt that says 'big brother' or 'big sister' and take a picture. Print it out and send to loved ones, along with a small note with your baby's due date.
5. Chalk it Up
Buy a small chalkboard and draw a down arrow, as well as your baby's due date. Have your partner take a picture of you holding the chalkboard with the focus on your mid-section. Make copies and send them out.
6. Seat's Taken!
Line up three chairs in the grass—one for you, one for your partner and a smaller one for your baby-to-be. Set up your camera's timer, sit down in your respective chairs and smile. The message will be clear, so relatives and friends may be knocking down your door to congratulate you in person.
7. Post That
Tie a pretty bow around your exciting news and post it to your family and friends.
8. Happy Birthday!
Send a birthday party invitation online to loved ones, but keep the information vague so that they have to click through to learn the details.
Inside the invitation, ask that they celebrate, in spirit, your baby's due date with you and your partner, as you'll hopefully be welcoming your new addition on that particular day.
9. Oh, by the Way
Write a note to a handful of your favourite people as though you're simply checking in with them and just updating them on your life. At the bottom of the letter include a postscript that reads, “We're expecting a baby on [insert due date].”
10. Ready for Your Close Up
Craft a faux magazine cover with a picture of you and your baby bump on the front page. The article headlines should reveal details about your pregnancy, such as your due date, food cravings and the baby's gender (if you know). Post it off and wait for the well wishes.
Fill in your info to get started:
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Please select a due date!
Baby's Due Date*
Bonus: Winner!
Order custom-made scratch-off cards that read, “Knock, knock! Who's there?” Recipients will scratch the ticket to reveal “Baby [insert your last name], due on [insert your due date]”.
Sharing the thrilling news that you and you partner are going to be parents (perhaps even for the second, third or even fourth time) is momentous, so have fun with your announcement!
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