What to Write in a Baby Shower Card
If you’ve been invited to a baby shower, you’d probably like to add a baby shower card to your gift, with a message expressing your love and support. A card with heartfelt baby shower wishes is often something the mum-to-be will put aside as a keepsake, and maybe even take out to show her child when he or she is older. Imagine—your baby shower card message could end up making (family) history! It isn’t always easy to find the baby shower card wording that perfectly expresses your wishes, so we’ve collected a few ideas for inspiration to help you craft the perfect greeting.
What Do You Write in a Baby Shower Card
Before delving into specific ideas for the text, here are some things to consider when deciding what to say in the baby shower card:
Who to address. Although many baby showers are focused on celebrating the mum-to-be, you may want to address both parents in your baby shower card, especially if the invitation mentions that both parents will be there or if your gift is intended for both parents. Of course, if you’re close friends with just the mum-to-be, you may still decide to focus on your special bond with her.
Baby’s gender. Another important thing to consider is whether you know if the baby will be a boy or a girl. If you do, you can tailor the baby shower message appropriately.
How close you are to the parents. If you know the parents very well, you might like to inject a little humour into your baby shower wishes. However, do this only if you're confident that they’ll get the joke. If you go back a long way, you might even have a personal anecdote or inside joke you’d like to recount. Personal messages almost always resonate the most.
Parental insight. If you’re a parent yourself, or if you’d like to touch on how important your own mum or your parents are to you, you could share some thoughts on the highs and lows of parenting. Alternatively, you might offer a word on the significance of the bond between mother and child. Even if you feel the baby shower card isn’t the best place to give specific parenting advice (or if you’re unsure whether it will be appreciated), you can still offer a more universal message, such as enjoying the journey of parenthood, or how important the role of motherhood is.
Appropriate sign-off. Once again, depending on your relationship with the recipient(s), you’ll want to end the card with a sign-off that’s appropriate. You might like to sign the card with just your name or include the names of the others in your immediate family, too. Here are some ideas for how to sign a baby shower card:
Best wishes,
All the best,
Many hugs and kisses,
Much love,
With love,
Lots of love,
Love always,
Simple Baby Shower Card Messages
Maybe you’re not a wordsmith and just want to write something simple and sweet in the baby shower card. Or perhaps you’re not super close to the mum-to-be. In either case, it’s fine to keep the message short and sweet. Here are some messages to consider:
‘I’m so happy for you.’
‘I can’t wait to meet your baby.’
‘Wishing both you and your new baby all the best.’
‘Your little family is about to get bigger and cuter.’
‘Wishing you moments of joy with your new little baby.’
Baby Shower Card Messages Focusing on the Gift
Since a baby shower involves showering the mum-to-be with gifts as well as love and support, you might consider referring to the gift you've chosen in your baby shower card message. Here are some ideas:
‘Wrapping your gift almost made me keel over with cuteness overload. Just giving you a warning!’
‘I’m overjoyed to shower you with this special gift I know you’ll love.’
‘I spotted this gift in your baby shower registry and couldn't resist it!’
‘When I was raising my little ones, I couldn’t survive without this item. I think you’ll find it valuable too.’
‘So happy to be attending your baby shower, and excited to help you get started with these baby essentials!’
Funny Baby Shower Card Messages
Being a parent can be a challenging job, and sometimes it’s nice to just have a laugh about it. If you’re absolutely sure the recipient of your baby shower card appreciates your sense of humour, try one of these messages:
‘In just a few months you’ll become a stain removal expert!’
‘Say hello to your bundle of joy, and goodbye to sleeping in ever again.’
‘Thanks in advance for naming the baby after me!’
‘Congratulations on being so creative! Can’t wait to see your latest project!’
‘Don’t worry. You’ll get the house back in 18 years or so!’
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Boy
If you know the mum-to-be is having a baby boy, you could choose one of these messages for the baby shower card:
‘Oh boy! We can’t wait to meet your little lad.’
‘We hope your little boy is just as handsome as his dad.’
‘Snips, snails, and puppy dogs' tails — get ready for boyhood!’
‘Your little boy is lucky to have such amazing parents who love him. Congratulations!’
‘Here’s to lots of fun and joy with your little boy!’
‘May your baby boy bring you loads of joy and troublemaking.’
‘It’s beautiful seeing your family grow. Cheers to a baby boy.’
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Girl
If you know the mum-to-be is expecting a girl, here are some sweet wishes you can include in the baby shower card:
‘Here’s to a bubbly baby girl to love and spoil. Congratulations!’
‘Sugar and spice. May your new baby girl bring you everything nice!’
‘We’re all tickled pink to hear you’re having a baby girl. Congratulations!’
‘Little girls grow up so fast. One minute you’re dressing her in princess outfits, the next minute she’s trying on wedding dresses. Enjoy every minute.’
‘We hope your little girl will be beautiful inside and out, just like her mother.’
‘May your pink bundle be showered with everything splendid.’
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for Twins
If the mum-to-be has revealed she’s having twins or triplets (or even more), you could work this into the baby shower card wording. Here are some ideas of what to say:
‘Double the baby, double the excitement, and double the trouble!’
‘Sometimes the best things come in twos/threes.’
‘One baby is special, but two babies are super special.’
‘Now you have two reasons to smile!’
‘Cheers to your babies!’
‘Wishing you double the congratulations.’
‘Could there be anything better than two babies? Oh, maybe three!’
‘Let me know if you need help counting all those fingers and toes.’
‘We can’t wait to see double the cuteness.’
‘Now you can look forward to four arms hugging you!’
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Close Friend
If you’re a close friend or relative of the mum-to-be and would like to send a personal message of support, here are some ideas:
‘Congratulations on your baby’s arrival! I know you’ll be a terrific mum.’
‘From one mother to another, the moment you set eyes on your little one, you’ll be smitten forever.’
‘The unconditional love you’ll feel for your new baby will be something you’ve never felt before.’
‘After reading books and articles on motherhood, you’ll think you’ve prepared for everything, but the best lessons come with time — and I’ll be there for you whenever you need me.’
‘Congratulations! Motherhood looks so good on you!’
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card From Grandparents
If you’re one of the grandparents-to-be, you may have something special in mind for your baby shower card message, especially if the mum-to-be is your daughter. Here are some phrases for welcoming a new grandson or granddaughter:
‘We are overjoyed to welcome our baby’s very own baby into the world.’
‘Don’t you worry — we’ve babyproofed the house and we’ve been brushing up on our nursery rhymes. Grandparenthood, here we come!’
‘Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. But that’s what grandparents are for!’
‘Grandbabies are always welcome in our home!’
‘Remember, you can’t return them when they misbehave, but you can always drop them off with us!’
The Bottom Line
Composing the perfect message for a baby shower card won’t seem difficult once you start, especially if you think about the relationship you have with the mum-to-be and/or the other parent-to-be. Also, if you have any details about whether the mum-to-be is having a boy or girl, these can provide inspiration for the baby shower card wording too. Don’t be afraid to craft a truly personalised message for expressing your baby shower wishes – adding a funny story, a personal anecdote, something positive about the mum-to-be or a unique insight from your own experience as a parent. This time can be both exciting and scary for new parents, so a little humour or a kind message of encouragement may mean a lot to them. If you want to call attention to a special gift you’ve purchased, feel free to tailor your message to include a reference to that gift – or the reasons you chose it – in the baby shower card.
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