Discover Our Loyalty Program
Save with every purchase
Earn Pampers Points for every nappies and wipes pack you buy.

Earn more as your baby grows
Bigger nappy sizes give you extra savings on your next purchase.

Get exclusive member only offers
Access special offers, expert-led content and personalized nappying tips.

But how does it work?
Start Saving now - it’s free
Get Pampers Points for every pack
Scan the QR code on the inside of every nappies or wipes pack. The more you scan, the more you save!
Redeem it for free nappies & wipes
Trade your Pampers Points for Pampers discounts that you can use in your favorite retailer
Enjoy Exclusive App Rewards
Watch your savings grow and enjoy extra bonuses when reaching new milestones!
Get Exclusive Rewards
Unlock savings on your next purchase, usable in-store or online.
Unlock a lot more perks, offers and exclusive benefits.
Your Welcome Gift £30 off on any Ergobaby products
Save on Ergobaby baby carriers, strollers and more.
7 Days Free Trial for our Baby Sleep App
The Smart Sleep Coach App gives parents like you personalized sleep plans and expert advice tailored to your baby’s individual needs.
Personalized Nappying Recommendations
Use our nappying tool, track your baby's growth, and find the perfect size to prevent leaks.
Expert Advice & Tailored Parenting Content
Access trusted experts advice & content to support trough your parenting journey.
Earn Up to 1000 points when you refer a friend
Invite up to 5 loved ones to join Pampers Club. There’s 200 points in it for them and up to 1000 for yourself!

Rewards Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions ordered by popularity.
How to receive my Pampers Club Rewards?
Go to the Rewards section of the app to order a reward. You can view rewards you already ordered by clicking “See your claimed rewards” at the top of the rewards section.
How to use my Club App Rewards?
We want you to get the most out of our digital offers, so we put together a quick video explaining how to use them in store and online. Click here to watch:
How to change the store?
You can change the store at any time before using the offer, even if you picked another store when ordering.
Under the circles that highlight major retailers, it says 'Other Retailers" with up / down arrows.
Click the arrows to see the full list of retailers.
Select your preferred store and the directions will appear for the selected retailer.
Will my Pampers Club Rewards expire?
Your Pampers Points will not expire as long as you remain an active member. If your account is inactive for more than 12 months, then your Pampers Points will expire. So make sure you enter codes regularly to earn Pampers Points and enjoy your Pampers Club gifts!
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through Pregnancy and Parenthood.