Can Teething Really Cause a Fever?

As your little one starts to get their first teeth, you may be wondering about the symptoms they experience. A common question is ‘does teething cause fever?’ Teething doesn’t cause fever but may occasionally come with a mildly raised temperature. Read on to learn more about teething, fevers and how they may be connected.

Can Teething Cause Fever?

It’s natural to wonder whether and how teething and fevers relate. There’s no evidence to support teething causes fever, so if your baby does develop a fever with a body temperature of over 38 degrees, this may be because of an illness or infection. Although fevers are common in young children, most viral or infectious illnesses can lead to fever, from colds and flu to ear infections, urinary tract infections and meningitis. Whether fever comes with a mild infection or a serious illness, it’s useful to know that teething isn’t the culprit and to contact your child’s health visitor or GP when your baby has a persistent fever or other signs of illness.

Is My Baby Sick or Teething?

So, if teething does not cause a fever, why do babies get a temperature when teething? Teething can begin before 4 months or even after 12 months, but most commonly teething starts around 6 months. Around the time that teething occurs is usually the same time a baby is vulnerable to other illnesses, such as colds and ear infections, that can lead to fever. So, it’s easy to associate the fever with teething.

If your baby develops a fever while teething, it’s most likely due to an illness, and not from growing that first set of choppers. However, teething does take place at the same time as another exciting development milestone, learning to reach. Your curious baby can come into contact with many more people and objects, and wants to chew on everything they can grab, which increases the risk of developing a cold or another viral illness.

Keep in mind that baby teeth eruption lasts into the toddler years, as most children won’t have their complete set of milk teeth until they are around 2 or 3 years old. So, it’s good to remember that while older babies and toddlers may develop fevers, those fevers won’t be from teething either.

In Summary

Baby teething does not cause a true fever. If your little one develops a high temperature while teething, it’s most likely caused by something else, such as a viral illness.

Do Babies Get a Temperature When Teething?

On occasion (but very rarely), teething may cause a mildly raised temperature as a symptom. However, teething cannot cause a high temperature of over 38 degrees Celsius for babies of any age.

If your baby develops a mildly raised temperature while teething, it’s typically nothing to worry about. If your baby gets a high fever, over 38 degrees Celsius, this would not be caused by teething. High fevers indicate a serious infection, so it’s best to contact your child’s health visitor or GP right away.

In Summary

In rare instances, teething may cause a baby to develop mildly raised temperature. However, a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius is probably not due to teething. If your little one has a fever higher than that, contact your child’s health visitor or GP.

Teething Remedies for Babies

Although your baby may not have a true fever due to teething, they may still develop a mildly raised temperature and some other frustrating symptoms associated with growing those pearly whites. Some symptoms of teething include:

  • sore and red gums

  • flushed cheeks

  • face rash

  • rubbing on their ear

  • excessive dribbling

  • desire to chew on things

  • mildly raised temperature

  • mild irritability

  • trouble sleeping.

For additional information on teething and how to keep your little one comfortable, check out our baby teething article, for some tips on how to soothe your teething baby, such as teething rings and crunchy healthy snacks like carrot stick and apple slices.

In Summary

Fever is not a typical symptom of teething, but you may notice a mildly raised temperature of no more than 38 degrees Celsius. More common teething symptoms include sore and red gums, excessive drooling, and a desire to chew on things. Some soothing tips include teething rings and offering crunchy snacks like carrot sticks or apple slices.


Newborn Care
Fever in Babies and Newborns

When to Contact Your Health Visitor

Although teething doesn’t cause a fever directly, we know it can be scary for you when your baby or toddler becomes ill and develops a high temperature or fever at any time. Remember that fevers in babies, whether teething or not, are a little different than in older children and adults. Your baby’s health visitor or GP may have specific instructions on when and how to be in touch when your little one has a fever.

Besides contacting your health visitor or GP if your baby develops a fever, there are a few other symptoms of illness to look out for while teething, including vomiting or diarrhoea. These symptoms aren’t linked with teething, so they may indicate illness. Talk to your child’s health visitor or GP if you have any questions or concerns.


Teething itself doesn’t actually cause fevers, but there are a couple of reasons a fever could occur at the same time. Teething begins around 6 months, which is also when your baby becomes more susceptible to illnesses and fevers in general. Secondly, a teething baby wants to grab and chew on everything, which also increases the risk of catching a virus (and developing a fever) at this age.

The Bottom Line

If you’ve been asking the question can teething cause fever?’ Teething really doesn’t cause fevers in babies or toddlers. Although your little one could develop a small rise in body temperature when teething, it’s rare. A fever is typically a sign of something else, which could need medical attention. Your health visitor is always there to support you through these moments or when you have any questions or concerns.

How We Wrote This Article

The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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