3-Month-Old Baby Development: Getting Into a Groove

3-Month-Old Baby:

Getting into a Groove

Life with a 3-month-old baby is all about settling into parenting by establishing routines and getting to know your little one better and better each day. There is still, of course, some uncharted territory, but you may be feeling more confident in your abilities as a parent and excited about what's to come. Here, we'll highlight some developmental milestones to look forward to for your baby at 3 months; ways to support your baby’s development; advice on feeding and sleeping; and reassure you that, although you may be short on sleep, you're doing great!

Baby Development Milestones for a 3-Month-Old

As your baby grows and becomes more aware of their physical self and the world in general, here is a look at some of the developments you might observe in your three-month-old infant.

Physical Development: Hand and Finger Skills

Your baby’s hand and finger skills are improving around this time as is their hand-eye coordination. Your little one is learning to open and close their hands, bring a hand to their mouth, move their hands together, reach towards dangling objects and hold things. Your baby’s eyes can also track objects dangled in front of their face.

Senses: Building Blocks of Communication

There's a lot to discover, and your three-month-old infant is learning to take it all in, bit by bit. As your little one’s vision improves, they are slowly learning to control eye movements, and you might notice that your baby is watching faces more intently. Faces, especially yours, are among your baby’s favourite sights.

When it comes to hearing and speech, your baby has already learned to associate your voice with comfort, soothing and love, and turns towards the sound of it. Around this time, your little one also starts to respond to the different tones you use. For example, raising your voice may make your baby cry, while a funny sound might elicit a laugh or excited gurgle.

Your baby might have even progressed from cooing to trying to mimic the sounds you make or your intonation. You might also see that your little one sometimes responds when called by name.

By this stage, your little one’s communication repertoire may also include smiling spontaneously and in response to your smile, imitating your facial expressions, and making a whole range of bubbly or raspberry sounds.

At three months old, your baby can recognise patterns in your speech and is learning how to interact. Watch as your little one shows happiness at your delighted reactions to their babbling, and bask in that expression of delight when you sing or read out loud to your baby.

Movement: A Full-Body Workout

At around this time, most babies’ movements become more deliberate, and you'll probably start to see some exciting developments in your little one's motor skills. Your 3-month-old baby is slowly gaining more control over their body and movements. As a newborn, many of your baby’s movements were involuntary reflexes, but now those movements of the head, hands and feet may be getting more deliberate.

Your baby might now be able to lift their head and chest when lying tummy down, keep the head centred when lying on their back, and more or less straight while in a sitting position (in any case, make sure to support your little one’s head when sitting). Waves and kicks may also be getting more forceful, and you’ll notice a lot of wriggling.

You can help encourage your baby’s movement by providing daily tummy time and play. These activities can help your 3-month-old baby with motor development, hand-eye coordination and other important skills.

Personality: Your Baby's First ‘Conversations’

Watching your baby's personality emerge is one of the great joys of parenthood.

Have you noticed that your little one is smiling more and responding to your voice? That's great! It's likely that your baby really enjoys playtime with you and others, and is now better able to express this enjoyment with their face and whole body. Your baby may even start to imitate some of your movements and facial expressions.

Your little one may now be having ‘conversations’ with you too, made up of back-and-forth exchanges of sounds, smiles and gestures. These little ‘chats’ are not just fun, but also help build your baby’s trust in you and boost their self-esteem.

Babies make their needs known in different ways. As a parent, you'll soon get to know these subtle (and not-so-subtle) cues. For example, you’ll be able to tell from your baby’s cries and body language when they are hungry, uncomfortable, or simply bored and need a toy to play with.

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Activities to Support Your 3-Month-Old Baby's Development

Follow your GP’s personalised advice when it comes to activities that foster your 3-month-old newborn baby’s development. These will help your little one master the skills needed to roll, sit and hold their head up, and will also help promote cognitive and sensory development. Here are some examples of what you could try:

  • Practice tummy time. Watching carefully, place your baby stomach-down on an activity mat or blanket for a short time so that they gain more control over the legs, arms and head. If your little one doesn’t enjoy tummy time, try laying them on your chest or lap. Remember not to leave your baby in one position for too long.

  • Promote hand-eye coordination. Encourage your baby to grasp for and explore small objects like toys, or your fingers. This will help them learn to bring their hands to their mouth.

  • Aid visual development. Introduce stimulating colours, patterns and textures for your baby to enjoy in the form of toys, rattles, books, colourful mobiles, comforters and activity mats. You can also try activities like moving an object about 40 cm in front of your little one and letting them follow it with their eyes.

  • Help your baby learn to talk. Talk to your baby and respond to the noises they make by repeating them. Tell your little one what you’re doing while you feed, bathe and change them. Sing or talk in a sing-song voice to your baby.

Feeding Your 3-Month-Old Baby

How much should a 3-month-old eat and what is a good feeding schedule? Feedings may become less frequent now that your baby is three months old because they can probably consume more milk at each feeding. Instead of trying to follow a fixed feeding schedule, you could follow a ‘responsive’ pattern of feeding (also called on-demand or baby-led feeding), which involves feeding your baby as often and for as long as they want, your baby will be content and get all the nourishment they need for growth.

Tracking Wet and Dirty Nappies

How many wet and dirty nappies are normal for a baby at 3 months old? In general, you'll know your baby is feeding well when there are around six wet nappies per day. Poos may be more solid now and may also occur less often. In fact, a breastfed baby might go as long as a week without having a poo.

A 3-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule: How Much Sleep Does Your Baby Need?

At this point, your baby's sleep habits may be going through some changes. Your little one might be able to eat more during the day, and so may now require fewer night feeds or none at all. Plus, after being more alert during the day, your baby may be sleepier at night.

What you might find is that your little one takes two or three naps during the day, followed by a longer stretch at night. Although some babies may now be sleeping through the night, it's important to remember that this doesn't apply to all babies and that ‘through the night’ often means a stretch of about five or six hours.

How to Put Your Baby to Sleep

When putting your baby to bed at night or for a daytime nap, follow these guidelines for safe sleep and to reduce the risk of SIDS:

  • Always lay your baby on their back

  • Keep your little one in the same room as you, but in their own cot

  • Dress your baby comfortably for the room temperature

  • Keep the head and face uncovered

  • Never put your baby to sleep on a sofa or armchair.

Tips for a Good Night's Sleep

It's a good idea to aim for a consistent baby sleep schedule that suits you both. Try the following tips for a soothing bedtime routine for your 3-month-old.

  • Establish a routine. Giving a gentle massage or a bath, reading a story, or singing a lullaby are great ways to help your 3-month-old wind down after the day's activities.

  • Let them squirm. Your baby may need a minute to settle down and get comfortable. It's OK to let them wriggle, babble or even cry a little before nodding off.

  • Minimise stimulation. If you need to attend to your baby during the night, try to minimise distractions. Keep the lights low and don't talk very much, as this will help keep your little one calm and more likely to drift back to sleep.

Sleep Training

Some parents consider using sleep training methods for their baby to address sleep-related issues such as night-waking or separation anxiety; however, experts recommend waiting until your little one is at least 6 months to try sleep training.

If you’re considering sleep training but you’re not sure where to start, download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers. This easy-to-use app walks you through the sleep-coaching process, includes a sleep-tracking tool that optimises bedtimes and offers effective meditations to help you stay present and positive in frustrating moments. You can get a head start on sleep training today by taking the free sleep assessment.

A Day in the Life of Your 3-Month-Old Baby

Life with your baby is full of surprises. Even if following a set routine for your 3-month-old is a way off, this guideline for feeding, sleeping, bathing and playing can help add a little structure and fun to each day:

Your Baby’s Health

Some health issues you may encounter this month may include:

  • Diarrhoea. If your baby has loose, watery stools that amount to more than the number of feedings they’ve had that day, let your baby’s doctor know.

  • Ear infections. Though older babies are more likely to experience ear infections, it's not unknown for a three-month-old infant to have one of these. If your baby seems irritable or fussy all of a sudden, especially at night, and may be running a fever, contact their doctor.

  • Rashes and eczema. If you see red, itchy, scaly patches of skin in the crooks of your baby’s elbows and knees, it could be eczema. Check in with your baby's doctor if you see these patches, or if your 3-month-old baby has red rashes or peeling skin.

  • Reflux. Spitting up a small amount of milk after feeding or being burped is normal, and often happens within the hour after feeding. However, if your baby seems irritable during feedings or shows some other signs of being ill, contact their doctor.

Baby Massage

You may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to promote health and wellness beyond your baby’s regular playtime activities. Some babies enjoy the relaxation and bonding that comes from a baby massage. This activity can help strengthen your bond with your baby while reducing their stress levels, and possibly decrease crying.

Your baby’s doctor or health visitor may have some specific advice, but here are some basic steps to follow:

  • Create a relaxing environment. You can use your baby’s changing table or your bed, and make sure your baby is warm and comfortable. It’s best to do this when your baby is alert and not hungry or tired. Then place your baby on their back and maintain eye contact as you begin to massage them.

  • Use a gentle touch. Use gentle strokes to massage your baby starting from their head, neck, and shoulders to their waist, thighs, feet and hands.

  • Talk or sing. Your baby will feel more relaxed if you talk softly or sing a favourite song while massaging them.

  • Gauge their reaction. Continue the massage if your baby seems happy. If they seem restless or fussy, stop, as they’re probably not enjoying it.

You’ll want to wait at least 45 minutes after feeding before beginning a massage. If your little one ends up enjoying this activity, it can continue well into their toddler years, too.

Development Tips for Your Baby This Month

Consider the following tips to help form a strong bond with your 3-month-old newborn baby and foster a feeling of safety and security:

  • Consistently provide close physical contact. Hugging or cuddling your baby often can help increase their sense of safety and security. Make sure everyone in the household and other caregivers outside the home provide similar loving care to your baby.

  • Read to your baby every day. Reading at this early stage boosts your baby’s language development and can help establish a lifelong love for reading and learning. Reading as part of a bedtime routine can also help calm and comfort your little one.

  • Show your baby colourful objects of different shapes, sizes and textures. These items can be sensory toys, rattles or plush toys (as long as the baby toys are appropriate for a 3-month-old). You may also like to show your baby simple picture books with different colours and patterns and family photo albums.

  • Talk to your baby throughout the day. Say your baby's name and use simple phrases to narrate what you’re doing when you're together, such as feeding, changing their nappy and bathing them. Respond to your baby when they make faces or gestures to encourage their attempts at ‘conversation’. If you or your partner speak a foreign language, feel free to start using it with your baby.

  • Pay attention to your baby’s cues. Respond to your baby when they let you know that they're hungry, happy, upset or tired. Your loving attention won’t spoil them.

Items You Will Need This Month

Here are some items that might come in handy this month for your little one:

  • Baby books. Dig out your favourite children’s books or head to the library or your local bookstore.

  • Baby swing. A baby swing is a great item to have on hand when you need to free your hands for a while and occupy your baby. The swinging motion can help calm a fussy baby and gently soothe them. If your baby falls asleep, move them to their cot.

  • Nappies, wipes and nappy rash cream. You’ll always need nappy supplies, so stock up whenever you have the opportunity.

  • Baby dummy. Some babies benefit from the use of a dummy – it can serve as a soothing device especially as they fall asleep.

  • Baby monitor. If you don't already have a baby monitor, you might like to get one this month. There are many different models to choose from, including video camera baby monitors and ones that work with your smartphone.

  • Baby thermometer. Using a thermometer specifically designed for babies makes taking a temperature much easier.


Although every baby is different, by three months, babies typically start showing more control over their movements and their environment. They can hold their head up when supported, begin to push up when lying on their tummy, and might start to swat at or grasp objects. Socially, they smile at familiar faces and can recognise parents and other frequent caregivers, responding with smiles or excitement​.

Your Life as a Parent: Dealing With Sleep Deprivation

Missing those sleep-ins and lazy Sunday mornings? Any new parent will tell you that sleep deprivation is a very real concern. Of course, you want to be at your best for your baby, but lack of sleep doesn't make it easy. The key to making things just a little bit easier is teamwork — between you and your partner and/or other carers, like a grandparent or nanny — and prioritising which tasks are truly important, and which can be put aside for now.

One way to minimise your sleep deprivation is by sharing your baby's bedtime routine. Essentially, sharing this routine means the responsibility for putting the baby to bed doesn't fall solely on you, giving you a well-deserved reprieve from time to time. This arrangement is also healthy for your baby, as they learn to fall asleep under slightly different circumstances each night, and don't become dependent on you to fall asleep.

Other ways to prevent sleep deprivation include

  • splitting the task of night-time bottle feeding with your partner or other carer

  • sleeping when your baby sleeps

  • getting some light exercise, even if it’s just going for a walk or doing some gentle postnatal exercise (like postnatal yoga) once your GP has given you the all-clear.

Checklist for This Month

  • Check your baby’s red book or ask your health visitor about the second round of injections for the 6-in-1 vaccine, coming up at 12 weeks.

  • Get a sneak peek of what might be coming next month by reading our 4-month-old baby article

  • Download Pampers Club App to earn free nappies.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the National Health Service (NHS). You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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